Chapter 11- Back To Hogwarts

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Jinx was lost in her thoughts about the journals she and her sister had uncovered, staring out the window as the train trudged along

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Jinx was lost in her thoughts about the journals she and her sister had uncovered, staring out the window as the train trudged along. The compartment door was hammered with knocks, and Jinx caught the two Weasley Twins smudging their faces next to the window. Behind them, freckly and small was Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas, and Neville Longbottom, albeit a lost toad.

Neville's hopeful voice broke the silence. "Have any of you guys seen Trevor? When Nan was talking, I think I dropped him."

"He'll be alright, Neville," Dean reassured with a smile as he sat down.

"By the way, did I ever tell you lots about the time me Mam caught me Da clad in her old witch robes?" Seamus piped up.

"Come again?" Fred Weasley grinned, his interest piqued.

Seamus leaned against the compartment doorframe, mischief dancing in his eyes. "Blimey, it was a proper spectacle, it was. Me da, bless his wizarding socks, prancing about in Mum's frilled robes like a demented boggart."

Fred burst out laughing, his voice carrying the infectious joy that only he could conjure. "Brilliant! I can practically see it!"

George joined in, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Did he manage any decent spells, or was it more like a Muggle interpretive dance?"

Seamus chuckled, his laughter echoing through the compartment like a spell's incantation. "Oh, you should've witnessed his 'Accio Biscuits' stunt. Summoned a whole flock of garden gnomes instead, it did."

"What did your mum say?" Jinx responded, her laughter blending with the others.

Seamus winked. "What do you reckon, she did? Why, she put on his best suit and joined him!"

The compartment boomed with laughter.

"Ah, speaking of tales, our dear Great-aunt Muriel, nearly a century old and still hasn't kicked the bucket—much to everyone's displeasure—had a rather dire hair situation. So, George and I, being the gallant souls we are, decided to sport her finest unicorn-hair wigs. Let's just say the hair-raising result didn't quite meet her standards."

"YOU DETESTABLE LITTLE IMPS, VACATE MY PREMISES THIS INSTANT, AND MARK MY WORDS, YOU'LL NEVER INHALE A WHIFF OF MY INHERITANCE, YOU GNOME- INFESTED - WEASLEYS!" Fred mimicked in a high-pitched, mockingly haughty tone, waving his hand theatrically as if shooing away imaginary hair strands.

George roared with laughter, his eyes watering as he joined in. "And off we scampered into the night, each with a towering wig atop our heads, looking like a pair of deranged flamingos!"

"Oh, and our dear Aunt Muriel? She barricaded herself indoors for an entire month, convinced that a herd of unicorns was on a mission to hunt her down."

Neville Longbottom, still searching for his lost toad, chimed in, "Honestly, you lot have the craziest stories. Makes me wonder if Hogwarts is secretly a comedy club."

George grinned mischievously. "Oh, it's not just the stories, Neville. Wait till you experience the pranks and mishaps firsthand."

Fred Weasley leaned in, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "Speaking of pranks, we've got something special planned for this year. Something that will go down in Hogwarts history!"

George nodded enthusiastically. "We're calling it 'Operation Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.'"

Jinx's curiosity was piqued. "Operation Weasley's Whirling Wonders? What's that all about?"

Fred exchanged a knowing look with George before turning back to Jinx. "Ah, Jinx, my dear, we can't reveal all our secrets just yet. But let's just say it involves prank jinxes, candies, and a grand spectacle that will leave everyone talking."

George added with a sly grin, "We'll need some reliable accomplices, Jinx. Think you're up for the challenge?"

Jinx's eyes sparkled with intrigue. "You can count me in, but only if it doesn't involve turning my hair pink again."

Fred and George burst into laughter. "No promises on the hair, Jinx!"

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