Chapter 4: Butterbeers and the Flight of the Fat Lady

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Jinx tossed and turned in her narrow bed, her fitful slumber haunted by a vivid vision of an enormous, four-legged monstrosity pacing steadily around the Hogwarts grounds

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Jinx tossed and turned in her narrow bed, her fitful slumber haunted by a vivid vision of an enormous, four-legged monstrosity pacing steadily around the Hogwarts grounds. Its anguished moans and echoing cries filled the night air, and Jinx struggled to keep pace with the beast. The Forbidden Forest loomed ominously, seemingly more immense and foreboding than she remembered.

As the monstrous creature turned its attention toward her, Jinx caught a fleeting glimpse of gleaming, obsidian eyes that bore an uncanny, almost human-like gaze. She held her breath, her heart pounding, as the creature's focus shifted to something lurking behind her—a shadowy, decaying presence creeping closer with each passing moment.

With a sudden jolt, Jinx awoke in her dimly lit Gryffindor tower dormitory. Beside her, Angelina lay in peaceful slumber, her soft snores filling the room. Jinx glanced around, realizing that everyone else was also asleep, and she tried to reassure herself that it had all been a figment of her imagination. However, the lingering sense of dread and unease clung to her like a shroud.

In Hogsmeade, the picturesque village was blanketed in a layer of pristine snow, turning it into a scene straight out of a Christmas card. Jinx, along with her friends Lee, George, and Fred, trudged through the slush as they made their way to Zonko's Joke Shop. All she longed for was a warm butterbeer to distract her from the unsettling dreams that had plagued her nights.

"Oi, you lot," Jinx exclaimed, veering off the path toward the Three Broomsticks Inn. "I'm getting a butterbeer first!"

"Get us some too, will you!" Lee bellowed back, waving her off.

Jinx made her way through the crowded and lively inn, where Madam Rosmerta was busy tending to a rowdy group of wizards at the bar. She flashed a grin at the barkeep and asked, "How about some firewhiskey, love?"

"Still fifteen, you cheeky girl," Madam Rosmerta scolded playfully before pouring a glass. "Just you today? Where are the rest of your troublemakers?"

"They're on their way, don't you worry. And I'll take an extra three glasses for later. They're preoccupied with their toys at the moment," Jinx replied.

"Boys will be boys," Rosmerta chuckled, dimples appearing on her pretty face as she placed a foaming tankard in front of Jinx.

"Ta, Rosmerta," Jinx said, then made her way to a small, empty table next to a crackling fireplace. Halloween decorations adorned the inn, casting warm hues of orange, burgundy, and gold, creating a cozy atmosphere. With each sip of her butterbeer, the warmth spread through Jinx, and she sighed, waiting for her friends to arrive.

"Is this seat taken?" a deep voice inquired, interrupting her thoughts.

Jinx looked up and saw Roger Davies gesturing toward the chair opposite her. She shook her head, curious about his intentions.

"Feel free to sit," she said between sips.

"I've been wondering when I'd catch you alone," Davies smirked. "You're a bit mysterious, you know?"

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