Chapter 1: The Hogwarts Express

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Clouds dominated the lazy sky, their billowing forms engulfing it in a symphony of deep smoky grey and ethereal white

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Clouds dominated the lazy sky, their billowing forms engulfing it in a symphony of deep smoky grey and ethereal white. Like brushstrokes on a canvas begging for art, they caressed and stroked the morning with bruised fingertips. The last remnants of night melted away, black and glistening stars dripping and oozing from the clouds as if nature itself yearned for a masterpiece to unfold.

There was something distinctly poignant about September, as if the fading echoes of summer lingered in the air, clinging to the heavens with nostalgic tendrils that seeped down throats like fire. It burned, scorched, and smoldered until there was nothing left to ignite. Whispers and shudders of what could have been and what would be intertwined with the sweet scents of autumn, creating an intoxicating blend that teased Jinx's nostrils with its fresh earthly aroma. King's Cross Station sat heavily in the distance, eager for visitors as the city awakened, rubbing its bleary eyes open. Cars raced past, their daydreams unfurling in the misty air, pirouetting like golden leaves abandoning withered branches.

This morning, however, carried a certain stillness. September 1st was usually one of the loudest days Jinx had ever encountered, a cacophony of bustling travelers and excited chatter. But today, the car was filled with a deep silence that she hesitated to break. Beside her, her father, Ted Tonks, drove the car with a focused expression. Jinx was starting her fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and at this present moment, her emotions were a mixture of excitement and nerves.

As the promise of rain thickened the air, Ted pulled to a stop right in front of the station. Jinx swiftly gathered their trunks and belongings and the two of them hurried to and through the station.

​​Ted Tonks shot a quick glance at his watch, his brows furrowing as they picked up the pace toward the platform. They practically tumbled sideways through the solid metal barrier onto Platform Nine and Three-Quarters. There it was, the Hogwarts Express, standing tall and proud, puffing out smoke as witches and wizards bustled about, saying their goodbyes.

"Come on, hustle!" Ted urged a touch of urgency in his voice. "That whistle's gonna blow any second now."

Ted Tonks was absolutely right. At that moment, a shrill whistle flooded the platform.After her luggage was in order, the two of them stood together on the platform. Ted gazed affectionately at his daughter, a hint of nostalgia in his eyes.

"It feels like just yesterday you started your first year at Hogwarts," Ted mused, his voice tinged with sentimentality. 'You're growing up so quickly, Jinx."

Jinx rolled her eyes playfully. "Dad, you're making me sound ancient."

"Nope, just ancient enough for some good ol' advice," Ted grinned. As the crowd swirled around them, he leaned in and lowered his voice conspiratorially. "About those letters being sent home? Maybe aim for, oh I don't know, 49 this term? Just to keep Mum and I on our toes."

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