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"lovers" have expectations
They say

Do less
Be more

Stay who you are
But be who I want you to be

Be nonchalant
But show me you care

They say they love you
So you become infatuated

If you don't believe me
Im talking about what I was experiencing

It's always the person you least expect
To hurt you the most

To break your heart
And turn to a ghost

They'll leave you alone
And they'll never come home

They're sure to be lost
But found in another's arms

They never loved you
Every second they were with you

Staring at the clock
Waiting for their real lover to come home

Lying to everyone
And everything

They're a liar
They're lives are inbedded with it

But hold no grudge
Because they'll never hold a thought

Their a scat
It's taken leave

They're not well
And they'll never know why

Battling the same issue
But doing the same things

Wondering why nothings changed
So you're obviously to blame?

You fucked up, right?
Or is that just what they said

They'll talk shit about you
To your face

Behind your back
To your friends

While you chat
You'll realize

This was their plan
To hurt you

To make you feel pain
And you wonder why

It's not your fault
Some people are just fucked up beyond perception

But just know
You'll be fine all on your own...

Written on: 25/08/2023

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