7.What's My Purpose?

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Changes come
It's hard to adapt

We're told to be unique
But not to be diffrent

We're all looking for something
Some of us know

Others ravage through diffrent paths
Hoping to find their purpose

In all honesty
I don't think it can be found

We all act as if we're meant to be diffrent
Maybe we're meant to be the sheep

Led by a superior
Or maybe

We're meant to lead the masses
Maybe we're meant to be heard and shut down

Maybe we're just meant to be
Maybe we can choose our purpose

Maybe it's as love
I haven't found mine yet

Maybe it's this
Writing poems that don't even rhyme

Rambling on about some lost love
About a girl that's probably forgotten me

Im stuck in this pain
As corny and emo as it sounds

It's partly true
Some of it is self depreciation

And the other bit is lack of self worth
Maybe i don't know what im doing

Maybe that's my purpose
To ramble on about nonsense

That'll spark an idea for a true innovator
Im a small blade of a grass in a very big field

I'm far to common to be considered "unique"
But I've come to a redundant and short fetched conclusion

Maybe there's no reason we're here
Maybe it's true that

Poems don't have to rhyme
Hearts don't have to love

Brains don't have to think
Legs don't have to walk

Poets don't have to write
People don't even have to find a purpose

But somehow it's better if they do

Written on:18/08/2023

2023/07/07-2023/09/1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ