Chapter 1

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Author's note:

Welcome! A quick disclaimer before we begin.

(Currently rewriting all the chapters already uploaded and I will be slowly adding new chapters)

This story is an x reader so the main character is based on a female.
Y/N means: your name.
H/C means: your home country.
English is sadly not my first language so if there are any mistakes please let me know!!
I will upload shorter chapters than I usually do with my books. (So about 1000 words per chapter instead of 3000)
That's just so I will have more motivation to write and finish this book for you guys!
I'll try to upload as much as I can:)

Soooo let's begin this story!
I hope everyone enjoys this as much as I love writing it<33


I couldn't believe it, I was standing right at the barrier!

The stage was only a couple meters away and I just couldn't stop smiling.

I've never stood this close at a concert before and it honestly felt so surreal. I was here since 10 am in the morning and to my surprise, I wasn't the only one.

I traveled here alone all the way from H/C just to see Käärijä. But so far it was all worth it.

I made some new friends in line and everyone is just so nice here in general. Finland definitely has become one of my favorite destinations.

For some reason I still couldn't believe that I was actually here and that Jere would appear in front of me in a couple hours.

As all of the fans gathered around the stage and we all patiently waited for Jere. I felt myself getting more and more nervous.

They dimmed the lights slightly and began playing some music. Everyone around me was talking and even though I was here alone, I felt at home.

Everyone here made me feel so welcome.

Because I traveled from so far I had a sign with me that read: love from H/C.

I was really hoping that he would read it during the show. But honestly I would probably pass out if he did.

A smile formed on my face as I fantasized about it. I really couldn't believe that he was gonna be right in front of me soon.

Suddenly someone next to me started talking in Finnish, they were looking at me.

I slowly turned to them and it was a girl with red hair and a nose ring. She looked really nice.

But my face read panic and confusion.

"Oh uhm sorry I don't speak Finnish" I quickly said with an awkward chuckle.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry" The girl said with a kind smile.

"What does your sign say?" She continued.

"Oh uhm it says love from H/C" I softly smiled as I showed her my sign.

"Oh wow! You came all this way to see Käärijä?" She asked excitedly.

Every breath, every heartbeat - Käärijä Where stories live. Discover now