Chapter: XI Midnight Confessions**

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The connection between **Blitz** and Sarga had blossomed in a way that felt almost otherworldly. After the fundraiser, **Blitz** had plucked up the courage to give Sarga his Instagram, and she didn't hesitate to follow him. It was a gateway to their world outside of school, a place where they could continue getting to know each other.

One evening, **Blitz** received a message from Sarga on Instagram. She had sent him a friendly "Hey," and before he knew it, they were engaged in a lively conversation that stretched late into the night.

They talked about everything and nothing. Their dreams, their favorite movies, their most embarrassing childhood memories. There was an ease to their conversation, a comfort in knowing that they could be themselves without judgment.

As the hours ticked by, **Blitz** suggested they switch to a phone call, and Sarga eagerly agreed. Hearing each other's voices for the first time was a revelation. Sarga's laughter was just as melodic as he had imagined, and **Blitz's** deep, calming voice had her hanging onto every word.

The phone call turned into a video call, and as the screen came to life with their faces, they found themselves talking even more freely. It was as if the physical distance between them had evaporated, and they were right there with each other.

Time seemed to slip away as they laughed, shared stories, and discovered even more common interests. The night was alive with their voices, a soothing backdrop to their budding connection.

As the clock neared midnight, **Blitz** felt a deep sense of trust in Sarga. He knew it was time to open up about his past, something he had rarely discussed with anyone. The memories were like fragments of a shattered universe, painful and scattered, but he felt that Sarga was someone he could share them with.

**Blitz**: (softly) "Sarga, there's something I haven't really talked about with anyone. My past. It's... complicated."

Sarga, her brown eyes filled with curiosity and concern, listened intently as **Blitz** began to recount the story of his home planet, the loss of his parents, and his journey to Earth. His voice wavered at times, and he paused to collect his thoughts, but Sarga was a steady presence, a cosmic anchor in his universe.

As he spoke, the room around him seemed to shimmer with a gentle blue light, a manifestation of the power that dwelled within him. Sarga watched in awe as the air seemed to hum with energy, a testament to the extraordinary nature of the story he was sharing.

When he had finished, there was a profound silence between them. Sarga had tears in her eyes, moved by the depth of his pain and the strength it must have taken to share such a personal story. She reached out through the screen, her hand resting on the glass.

**Sarga**: (softly) "Thank you for trusting me with that, **Blitz**. Your story is a part of what makes you who you are, and I'm grateful that you shared it with me."

**Blitz** managed a small smile, his heart warmed by her understanding.

**Blitz**: "Thank you for listening, Sarga. You make it easier to open up."

As the night grew darker, they continued to talk, sharing stories and secrets that bound them closer together. In each other, they had found a cosmic confidant, someone who understood the extraordinary and the ordinary parts of their lives.

The moon hung high in the night sky as they finally said their goodbyes, promising to talk again soon. As the call ended, they both knew that something beautiful had been forged that night, a connection that transcended the boundaries of their world.

**To be continued...**

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