CHAPTER: 7 Betrayal's Sting**

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Love had blossomed between **Blitz** and Isabella, a love that transcended the boundaries of the universe. They had shared moments of joy, passion, and laughter, creating a bond that seemed unbreakable. But sometimes, even the most powerful bonds can be tested by the unforeseen twists of fate.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows through the mansion's grand halls, **Blitz** and Isabella sat together in the living room. They had just returned from a romantic dinner in the city, their smiles radiant in the soft glow of the room's lights.

But as the night deepened, so did the shadows in Isabella's eyes. **Blitz** noticed a hint of unease in her demeanor, a flicker of guilt that she couldn't hide.

**Blitz**: (concerned) "Isabella, is something bothering you? You seem... different tonight."

Isabella hesitated, her gaze momentarily fixed on the floor before meeting **Blitz's** cosmic blue eyes.

**Isabella**: (nervously) "There's something I need to tell you, **Blitz**. Something I should've told you earlier."

**Blitz**, a sense of foreboding washing over him, urged her to continue.

**Blitz**: (softly) "You can tell me anything, Isabella. We've built something special between us."

With a deep breath, Isabella finally revealed the truth.

**Isabella**: (with regret) "I'm not who you think I am, **Blitz**. I'm not just a maid. I... I've been deceiving you."

As the words hung in the air, **Blitz** felt his cosmic heart sink. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

**Blitz**: (betrayed) "Deceiving me? What do you mean, Isabella?"

Tears welled up in Isabella's eyes as she confessed her secret.

**Isabella**: (tearfully) "I came here with a plan, **Blitz**. A plan to steal your money, the money you created with your cosmic powers. I thought it was my way out of a difficult life."

The revelation hit **Blitz** like a cosmic storm. The person he had trusted, the person he had fallen in love with, had deceived him with the intent to steal from him.

**Blitz**: (voice filled with hurt and anger) "You were going to steal from me? After everything we shared?"

Isabella nodded, her remorse deepening.

**Isabella**: "I'm so sorry, **Blitz**. I never expected to fall in love with you. It changed everything. But I can't go through with it. I won't steal from you."

Despite her words, the trust between them had been shattered. **Blitz**, his cosmic heart wounded, knew that their love could never be the same.

**Blitz**: (painfully) "Isabella, I can't be with someone who betrayed my trust. I can't be with a thief."

With those words, **Blitz** rose from his seat, his cosmic energy crackling with anger. He pointed to the door, his voice firm.

**Blitz**: "Leave this place, Isabella, and never return."

Isabella, her eyes filled with tears, nodded and walked towards the door. Before she stepped outside, **Blitz** used his cosmic powers to erase all memories of him from her mind. It was a final act of separation, a cosmic severing of the ties that had bound them.

Months passed, and **Blitz** found himself in a different place emotionally. The pain of betrayal had faded, replaced by a determination to learn more about the world he now called home. It was time to embrace his role in this new world, to understand humanity and its complexities.

And so, with his cosmic abilities and a thirst for knowledge, **Blitz** decided to go to school. It was a step towards a future where he could make a difference, not just as an omnipotent being, but as a part of the world he had grown to love.

**To be continued...**

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