Chapter 7

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This past two weeks have been interesting.

Toni's been here, of course...but we haven't made any progress relationship-wise. The only times we really are with each other is during sex; any other times we're in two completely different rooms.

She's ready to go back home, but I just don't think it's a good idea until we know what's up with that man. I have security on the lookout and all, but they haven't got anything on him yet.

He's doing this shit on purpose. He wants to install fear in her, but I'm not going to let that happen. The moment I hear something about him, I'm going. I just hope it's soon because my tour starts in a month.

Toni makes smart remarks about me going on tour because that's the reason a strain happened in our relationship the first time, but I don't know what she wants me to do. I told her if she wants to come, she can, and Jayla will be with me for half of the dates, and once Elijah gets on summer break, he will be too. So she can't say I'm not taking care of my kids because I am.

Elijah walked into the house, and I looked up. He was at a party his teammates had, and it's damn near 12 o'clock. "Took you long enough," I said, getting up to walk over to him.

I tilted his head and looked at his eyes.

"Ma, I haven't smoked or drank." He sighed.

"Yeah, well since you fucked up that one time, this is what you'll deal with."

I said he was responsible for his age and all, and he is, but there was one incident about a year ago where he came home high. I was pissed, Toni was pissed, but after a conversation or two, we continued to let him go out. After all, he's not perfect, but he does know better.

I let go of his head and looked down. "What's that?" I asked, pointing to the box in his hand.

"It's kind of a crazy story, but look at these." He sat the box on the counter and opened it. It was a pair of old Jordon's that had to be from at least 25 years ago, but looked good as new.

I picked them up and looked at them. "Where'd you get these from?"

"I know it sounds crazy given history, but Keri."

My heart dropped at the sound of his name. "What? Keri who?" I said confused, thinking I heard him wrong.

"Look, I know it's kinda weird since it's mom's ex, but hey, he seems cool." He said nonchalantly, picking up the shoe.

I knocked the shoes out of his hand and froze.

How the hell did he end up at a high school party with my son? Why didn't the security I sent with him do anything?

"Ma what? I'm sorry, but he's not a bad person or anything, from what I see. Is he?"

Toni walked out of the bedroom into the kitchen, and my anger rose. I walked away from the both of them and quickly went into my room, shutting the door behind me. I just needed to calm down before I tried to talk to him, so I didn't yell at him. My anger isn't towards him; it's towards Keri.

What does he want? It's been 20 long years, and he still won't leave us alone. How miserable do you have to be? Prison didn't do anything?

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