Chapter 27

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(It's been a month...I know.)


"Thank you, Armon," I said sympathetically, looking at him through the glass.

It saddens me that he's even in here. He shouldn't be, but that's just how fucked up this system is. They put him in here with no questions asked.

He shrugged. "It was a heat of the moment thing, but for what he did to the both of you, he deserved that."

I sighed. "I'm gonna make sure you get out of here. I promise you that. There are witnesses and cameras to prove your case, so you'll be good. My lawyer is working on trying to get you a bond, so once that's all worked out, you should be out in no time."

He nodded. "Alright,"

"Other than that, are you good? You're not being bothered?" I asked.

"Nah, I have people in here I know making sure I'm good. Never thought I'd be in here, but for what it's worth, I'm good." He said nonchalantly.

"That's good. I'm uh...I'm sorry you even had to be in a situation like that. I should've done more to prevent all this, I really should've."

He shook his head. "It's fine. You can't blame yourself for that. I don't blame anybody for what happened but him. I know if there was something you could've done, you would've did it." He assured me. "But, uh, how's Elijah?" He asked, changing the subject.

"He's...doing fine, actually. Um, they gave him stitches, and he's going to be good. The only concern may be his shoulder, but I know he'll be okay."

He nodded. "He'll be good. I'm glad that's all it was."

"Yeah," I said surely. "Um, are you good when you get home? Elijah is at his grandmother's house, but if you want to stay there when he's back or anytime, you can."

Armon doesn't really have a lot of family around him. The people he'd previously had around him weren't stable enough to care for him. That's kind of how he and Elijah got cool. They met in elementary school, and Armon has been around a lot ever since.

"I got my own place. I didn't tell you?"

I raised my eyebrows. "What? No, you didn't."

"Yeah, I got an apartment about a month ago." He said happily.

"That's great to hear. I'm very proud of you."

"Thank you, I—"

"Your visit has five minutes left." A recording played through the phone.

His smile faded slowly, and he cleared his throat. "Listen, uh, I didn't really plan on this being how I said this, but I feel like I should say it now seeing as to how things are going." He switched the phone to his other hand. "I just want to say that I appreciate everything that you and Ms Toni have done for me. I know I'm not around there as much as I used to be...things have been a little crazy on my end, but when I was, you all made me feel welcome. Y'all are family to me; always have been and always will be, so thank you for that. Thank you for allowing me to be a kid when I wasn't able to be at home."

I nodded. "You are family, and I'm glad we were able to do those things."

He looked down at the table. "I would've probably been in here long ago if it weren't for you all...or worse."

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