Chapter 19

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"Janet what the hell? Why would you push him to that point?" I asked loudly.

She walked to the kitchen area and knocked the papers off the counter.

"You can't do stuff like that Janet. Put yourself in his shoes. You're angry, pissed, and someone does to you what you just did to him. Think about how you would feel."

"Don't fucking start with that shit right now Toni. I'm—" She put her hands over her face and breathed.

"You're what? You're what!"

I was mad that she wouldn't just let him breathe. It was obvious he was angry; it was obvious he needed some space.

"I'm just trying to understand, and he's not telling me anything. All he does is get loud, and I'm not going for that. No matter what you think I should or shouldn't do, he's not going to be disrespectful, period. I ask a simple question, and it's an argument." She turned around to face me and leaned back on the counter.

"That's not the way to do it, and I'm not asking you to let him be disrespectful, but I've never saw him that mad before today. All because you couldn't just relax," I shook my head and started back to the bedroom.

"Do you have a brighter idea? Cause therapy obviously ain't gonna do a damn thing. My goal wasn't to make him upset, and you know that. I just want him to talk to me. We've never had this problem before. I don't know how he'll react to things."

I turned back and looked at her. "Well, if he wasn't before, he damn sure ain't going to now. I think we all just need to step back and take a breather. You don't get tired of arguing? If it's not you and me, it's you and him." I started. "Maybe you should talk to Dr. Smith by yourself, and she can help you."

She looked at me, confused. "Help me do what? You're saying I'm the reason for all this. For our situation, for me and Elijah's situation, I'm the problem for it all?"

"I'm not saying that. I'm just—"

"No, because last time I checked, you ended things with me. If that didn't happen, we would all be fine right now. I get what you thought I did, but you thought wrong, so all this, if we're being honest, is a result of your decision." She said seriously.

I laughed to myself. "Wow, how fucking selfish."


"Yeah, selfish. You can't ever just own your part without saying what someone else did."

"I could say the same about you. You've not once apologized or taken accountability for tripping on me about a bitch I ain't do anything with."

"Janet, I didn't know. If it were the other way around, you would've been pissed off too."

"You never asked! You just assumed."

"I shouldn't have had to ask Janet! Why would you do something like that and then expect me to just be fine with it, no explanations?"

I looked at the bedroom to make sure it was closed, given that Jayla is asleep.

"You pressed me about that, and you pressed me about working. We both said everything we needed to say, and you still argue with me. You act like you're still angry about that stuff, knowing I did nothing wrong every time. You still act like you're holding a grudge against me."

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