Chapter 17

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We're now in South Carolina. The third stop of the tour.

I haven't been feeling the best, probably because of all the stress I'm under with Janet and Elijah. They've talked over the past three days, but only briefly. Mostly yes or no questions and short sentences. It's better than nothing, but I'm tired of them not acting like they aren't to each other what they are. It hurts seeing it. Especially given how this all came about.

Janet suggested taking a break from the tour after a few more shows and rescheduling it for later to work on us, but I don't think that's the best idea. I don't think the backlash of her rescheduling is what we need right now, but I do think family needs to be put first. I think we should call Dr. Smith. She doesn't do many clients anymore, but we still talk to her everyone once in a while. She could maybe come with us on a few stops to talk.

Janet wants me to call her because she doesn't know what to say if she does it herself. I think it's best for me to anyway because I can explain the situation better because I'm seeing it firsthand.

Elijah's sleep, and I'm in the main room with Jayla. Switching from hotel to hotel is not an easy task because I take things out for Jayla, and less than a day later I'm having to pack it all back up. It didn't used to be this hard back in the day. Even when we had Elijah on tour with us, it wasn't this difficult. Different times, I guess.

I'm sitting here with Jayla in my arms, staring at the number to press.

I really hope she's available. This is the only solution either of us have thought of, and if not this, what?

I pressed the number and put it to my ear.

It rang for a while, and it seemed she wasn't going to pick up, which isn't good.

"Hello," she spoke through the phone.

I let out a sigh of relief. "Hi, Dr. Smith,"

"Hey, T, how are you?"

What a question.

"I'm...doing." I said honestly.

"That doesn't sound good. What's going on?"

Jayla stirred in her sleep, and I rocked her with my free arm. "Uh, it's not really me; it's Elijah and Janet. They' a tough spot." I answered.

She cleared her throat. "What happened?"

"I don't know—I...they's a lot, and I don't know how to help, and they—they-"


I felt my eyes water, and I took a well needed deep breath. This is not the stress I need right now, especially with everything that's been going on.

"Yes," I said after talking a few breaths.

"Breathe. Tell me what happened." She assured.

Calm down...explain.

"I couldn't tell you exactly how it happened, but I'm pretty sure it all stemmed from me and Janet's separation."

"Y'all are separated?" She asked kind of loudly.

I thought she knew?

"Yeah...soon to be divorced. I thought—I thought she told you."

"No, no, I mean, last time we spoke, things were rocky, but you all were still together. Why didn't you all come to me?"

"Elijah told me she talked to you because he said she was going through a tough time after our split, so I told him to tell her to talk to you... I guess she didn't." I said.

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