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ai steamy i live for
Genre--- STEAMy
AU--- maddy teases(in a loving way ofc) felix about how cute and adorable he is
prompt---make a steamy romance story between lee felix and maddy, where maddy teases felix about how cute and adorable he is and how he would never scare someone, and felix decided to scare maddy

Underneath the velvet blanket of a starlit night, Maddy and Felix found themselves strolling along the moonlit shore. The rhythmic melody of crashing waves accompanied their laughter, creating a symphony that was uniquely theirs. The playful banter that had become their hallmark echoed through the night.

"You know, Felix, I still can't believe you were ever part of that 'bad boy' image," Maddy remarked, a teasing smile dancing on her lips. "I mean, look at you. You're just too cute and adorable to scare anyone."

Felix's eyes gleamed with a mischievous twinkle, his lips curving into a sly grin. "Oh, really? You think I'm not capable of scaring anyone?"

Maddy's laugh echoed through the air. "Come on, Felix. I've known you for years. You're more likely to make someone blush than run away in fear."

The challenge in her gaze seemed to ignite a spark within Felix, a determination to prove her wrong. As they continued walking along the shore, the waves whispering secrets to the sand beneath their feet, Felix's gaze remained locked on Maddy. With each step, his resolve grew stronger.

The night breeze seemed to carry an unspoken promise as they paused by a weathered driftwood log, their gazes locked in a dance of anticipation. Felix's heart raced, his fingers curling slightly as he took a step closer to Maddy, his voice a husky whisper. "You know, Maddy, maybe you're right. Maybe I've been holding back."

Maddy's eyes widened with surprise, her heart quickening in her chest. The charged atmosphere seemed to crackle with a tension that was both thrilling and slightly unnerving. "Felix, what are you—"

Before she could finish her sentence, Felix's lips were on hers in a searing kiss that sent shockwaves through her senses. It was a kiss born of determination and desire, a collision of emotions that left them both breathless. The world around them seemed to fade into the background as their lips moved in a passionate dance, a symphony of longing and a hint of mischief.

As the kiss deepened, Felix's hands found their way to Maddy's waist, his touch igniting a magnetic intensity that sent electric pulses coursing through her skin. His fingers brushed the curve of her hips, his touch both tentative and confident. She felt the tingles of anticipation spreading across her body like wildfire, each sensation pulling her deeper into the intoxicating moment.

Maddy's own touch was equally charged, her fingers threading through the soft strands of Felix's hair. She held onto him as if he were the anchor in the midst of a storm, her response to his kiss a reflection of the passion and longing that had always simmered beneath the surface.

But Felix was on a mission, driven by a determination to prove Maddy wrong. His resolve was unyielding, his desire a palpable force that urged him forward. With a fluid and graceful movement, he lifted Maddy ever so slightly, their bodies now pressed against the rough surface of the driftwood log. The contrast between the harsh wood and the tender embrace of their kiss added to the intensity of the moment.

His lips left hers, forging a heated path along the curve of her jawline. Each touch was a promise, a declaration of the emotions that surged between them. Maddy's breath caught in her throat as Felix's kisses ignited a blazing trail of sensations. Her head tilted back slightly, exposing the sensitive skin of her neck to his fervent attention.

Felix's lips danced along her neck, leaving a trail of soft, fluttering kisses that sent shivers racing down her spine. And then, with a daring audacity that left Maddy's senses reeling, his teeth grazed her skin in a gentle nip, his breath warm and inviting against her flesh. A soft gasp escaped her lips, a mixture of surprise and delight intertwining in the sound.

Maddy's fingers tightened in Felix's hair, a mixture of anticipation and desire coursing through her veins. "Felix, what are you—"

But words seemed to fade into the night as Felix's lips continued their journey, tracing a path down the column of her neck. His touch was both tender and demanding, his teeth occasionally grazing her skin in teasing nips that left her yearning for more. The sensation was a heady mixture of pleasure and a thrilling edge, each touch igniting a spark of electricity within her.

The moonlight cast a silvery glow on their entangled forms, the waves providing a rhythmic backdrop to their dance of desire. Felix's fingers traced a path from her waist to the small of her back, his touch sending shivers of anticipation racing across her skin. His lips hovered just above her collarbone, his breath mingling with the delicate fabric of her dress.

"Felix," Maddy's voice was a breathless murmur, her fingers gently guiding his gaze back to hers. Her eyes held a mixture of vulnerability and longing, a silent invitation that hung in the air between them.

Felix's gaze softened, his eyes locking onto hers with a mixture of tenderness and a hint of disbelief. "You're right. I don't need to prove anything. But I want to. I want you to know just how much you mean to me."

Their gazes held, a silent understanding passing between them. In that moment, the night seemed to hold its breath, the moon and stars bearing witness to the raw vulnerability they shared. The taste of his kiss, the trail of his touch, the sensation of his teeth grazing her skin – each memory would forever be etched into the tapestry of their shared story. And as the waves continued their eternal rhythm, Maddy and Felix embarked on a journey that was written in the language of stolen moments, whispered promises, and a love that blazed brighter than the moonlit sky.

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