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This one is lowkey cute tho
Genre--- fluffy( i just love fluff and ai wont write anythign spicy)
AU--- hannie and maddy are hs students and maddy is artsy, and hannie is musicly
prompt---Write a romance story between Han Jisung and Maddy when Han accidently kisses maddy and becomes obsessed

In the charming town where Han Jisung and Maddy lived, life often flowed like a gentle river, carrying with it the familiar rhythm of friendship and shared moments. Their bond was unbreakable, formed through laughter, heart-to-heart conversations, and countless memories. However, a chance encounter and an accidental kiss would set the stage for a romance neither of them could have anticipated.

One sunny afternoon, Maddy found herself sitting on a park bench, her sketchbook in her lap as she immersed herself in her artwork. Lost in the strokes of her pencil, she was unaware of the figure approaching her – Han Jisung, her friend and a familiar face in her life.

"Hey, Maddy," Jisung's voice was warm and cheerful as he greeted her.

Startled, Maddy looked up from her sketchbook, her eyes meeting Jisung's with a smile. "Oh, hey, Jisung! Didn't expect to see you here."

Jisung grinned, his gaze lingering on her for a moment longer than usual. "I was passing by and thought I'd say hi. What are you working on?"

As Maddy began to show him her latest drawing, an unexpected breeze caught them both off guard. In a twist of fate, Jisung's hat flew off his head, and as he reached to catch it, their faces drew unexpectedly closer. In an almost cinematic moment, their lips brushed against each other in a soft, fleeting kiss.

Time seemed to slow down in that instant, their hearts beating in synchrony as their eyes widened in astonishment. The accidental kiss left a tingling sensation on their lips, a reminder of the intimacy that had transpired.

Jisung pulled away quickly, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "Maddy, I... I'm so sorry, that was completely unintentional."

Maddy's own cheeks were stained with a rosy hue, a mixture of surprise and confusion dancing in her eyes. "No, it's okay, Jisung. Accidents happen."

However, the accidental kiss had a profound impact on Jisung. It triggered a cascade of emotions within him, emotions that he struggled to comprehend. He found himself unable to shake off the memory of that brief kiss, his thoughts consumed by images of Maddy's lips against his.

As days turned into weeks, Jisung's interactions with Maddy took on a different hue. His gaze seemed to linger a little too long, his touch more hesitant yet deliberate. He couldn't help but replay the accidental kiss in his mind, his heart racing every time he was near her.

One evening, as they sat by the riverside watching the sunset, Jisung's internal struggle became evident. His voice was softer, his words laced with vulnerability. "Maddy, there's something I need to tell you. Since that accidental kiss, I've found myself thinking about it... a lot."

Maddy turned to him, her curiosity piqued. "Thinking about what, Jisung?"

Jisung took a deep breath, his heart pounding. "I can't explain it, but that accidental kiss... it's been on my mind. More than that, I've been thinking about you – about us – in a way that goes beyond friendship."

Maddy's gaze held a mixture of surprise and understanding. "Jisung, are you saying..."

Jisung nodded, his expression earnest. "I think... I think I might have developed feelings for you, Maddy. I know it's unexpected, and I don't want to jeopardize our friendship, but I needed to be honest with you."

Maddy's heart warmed at his honesty, a shy smile playing on her lips. "Jisung, I appreciate your honesty. Our friendship means the world to me, and I value it more than anything."

Their eyes locked in a moment of shared vulnerability, an unspoken agreement forming between them. It was a promise to navigate this new chapter with care, to explore the uncharted waters of their emotions while preserving the foundation of their bond.

As the weeks passed, Jisung's feelings for Maddy continued to deepen, his affection evident in every word and gesture. One day, as they were strolling through a local art gallery, Maddy turned to him with a mischievous grin.

"You know," she began playfully, "this gallery reminds me of the time you accidentally kissed me."

Jisung's eyes widened, a mixture of surprise and amusement on his face. "You remember that too?"

Maddy laughed, her gaze softening as she looked at him. "How could I forget? It's not every day that something like that happens."

Their banter turned into a comfortable silence, and in that moment, Jisung took a step closer to Maddy, his fingers gently tilting her chin to meet his gaze. "Maddy, that accidental kiss might have been unexpected, but it made me realize something important."

Maddy's heart skipped a beat as she met his gaze, curiosity and anticipation swirling within her. "And what's that, Jisung?"

With a tender smile, Jisung confessed, "It made me realize that I don't want to be accidental in your life. I want to be intentional, Maddy. I want to be the one who holds your hand, who shares your laughter, and who kisses you for real."

Maddy's eyes sparkled with emotion, her heart racing at his words. "Jisung..."

And in that moment, amidst the artwork and the hushed ambiance of the gallery, Jisung leaned in and kissed Maddy – this time intentionally, purposefully. The kiss was gentle yet charged with the depth of their newfound feelings, a testament to the journey they had embarked upon.

As they pulled away, their foreheads resting against each other, Maddy whispered, "Jisung, you don't have to be accidental in my life. You've always held a special place in it."

Jisung's smile was tender and heartfelt. "And you, Maddy, you're not just a friend anymore. You've become the one who holds my heart."

Their lips met in another lingering kiss, sealing their newfound understanding and affection. It was a kiss that marked the beginning of a romantic chapter they had never anticipated, a love story born from an accidental moment that had evolved into something beautiful.

As they walked out of the art gallery, hand in hand, they knew that their journey together was just beginning. The accidental kiss had set the stage, but their intentional choices and shared emotions were the foundation of their romance. With every step they took, they were writing a story that was uniquely theirs – a story of accidental beginnings, intentional choices, and the transformative power of unexpected love.
i actually blushed the whole entire time i read this AHHHHHHHH

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