Morning walks ^leeknow^

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nah b/c im obsessed with bb linoooo
genre--- fluff
AU---bestie lino( i think we are roomies?)
Prompt---make a romance story between lee Minho and maddy as best friends who confess their love while out on a run into a town in south korea

In the picturesque town of South Korea, a deep and unbreakable friendship blossomed between Lee Minho and Maddy, their bond intricately woven through the tapestry of shared laughter, shared dreams, and countless heart-to-heart conversations. 

Minho, with his easygoing charm that lit up even the dullest moments and his genuine kindness that resonated with every gesture, had assumed the role of Maddy's steadfast companion ever since they first crossed paths during a serendipitous encounter at a photography workshop.

One particularly vibrant morning, when the sun was at its zenith and the sky was a canvas painted with hues of orange and gold, Minho proposed a spontaneous adventure – an exploration of the charming streets of a nearby town, bathed in the warm embrace of sunlight. Maddy, never one to shy away from life's unexpected twists and turns, responded with enthusiasm that matched his own.

"You ready for this, Maddy?" Minho's grin radiated a contagious energy as he stretched his arms in preparation.

Her own chuckle echoed his spirit. "As ready as I'll ever be, Minho!"

And so, with their running shoes tightly secured and their spirits soaring high, they embarked on a journey that promised not only physical exertion but also a series of revelations that would forever reshape their connection. As they began jogging along the undulating path that offered panoramic views of the picturesque landscape, the wind tousling their hair and the rhythmic cadence of their footsteps creating a harmonious beat, their conversations flowed naturally like the melodies of a familiar song.
"Isn't this town just something out of a dream?" Maddy's voice danced with genuine excitement, her eyes alight with the wonder of discovery.

Minho's nod was accompanied by a contemplative gaze, his attention fixed on the charming streetscape.

"It's as though we've wandered into the pages of a storybook, isn't it?"

Indeed, the streets were lined with quaint shops that seemed to possess a character of their own, and vibrant cafes exuding the inviting aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Amidst the bustling surroundings, Maddy's heart quickened its pace, not solely due to the physical exertion, but due to a different kind of excitement – one that had been quietly growing within her.With a fleeting, stolen glance, Minho was perceptive enough to detect the unspoken emotions in Maddy's eyes. Reacting instinctively, he reduced their pace and subtly suggested that they pause for a moment, seeking refuge on a charming park bench strategically positioned to overlook a tranquil lake."Mind if we catch our breath for a while?" Minho's words came as heaving breaths, a clear sign of their exertion.Maddy's gratitude was evident in her smile. "Sounds like a brilliant idea, Minho."As they took a moment to recover, they shared a bottle of water, a symbol of their shared journey and the mutual understanding that accompanied it. A sense of comfortable silence embraced them, allowing their emotions to linger in the atmosphere like an unspoken promise.With a courage that seemed to emanate from a place deep within, Maddy turned towards Minho, her gaze steady, her voice a mixture of vulnerability and determination."Minho," she began, her tone carrying the weight of her sincerity, "recently, I've been contemplating a lot about us."Minho's attentive gaze remained on her, his curiosity evident. "Us? What's been on your mind, Maddy?"Inhaling a steadying breath, Maddy felt her heartbeat reverberate through her words. "Our friendship means more to me than words can express, Minho. The time we've spent together, the memories we've woven, they've all converged to lead me to this moment. It's difficult to deny it any longer – I believe I've fallen in love with you."As each word reached Minho's ears, they resonated not just as spoken expressions, but as unspoken chords that reverberated deep within him. The sun's gentle warmth seemed to echo the warmth he felt in his heart as he realized the truth in her words.

"Maddy," he began, his voice steady yet imbued with a profound honesty, "your sentiments aren't something you're facing alone. I've journeyed down the same path. The connection we've cultivated, the shared experiences we've cherished... they've led me to a realization – my feelings for you extend far beyond mere friendship."(sorry for interruption, but this Lino's vocab is immaculate)

As their confessions hung in the air, there was a palpable shift in the very fabric of the world around them, as if the universe itself were attuned to the depth of their emotions. The town's atmosphere seemed to hush, offering a sacred space for their voices to weave an unbreakable bond. As they communicated their hearts' truths, their hands gravitated towards each other's, the intertwining of fingers a testament to the unity of their feelings.

In that serene park setting, amid the tranquility of nature and the revelation of their deepest emotions, their connection transcended its previous boundaries. The rapport they'd cultivated over time evolved into a profound commitment, a promise of something that extended beyond ordinary bonds. With the kind of courage that flourishes amidst vulnerability, they leaned in, their lips meeting in a gentle kiss that echoed the tenderness of their hearts.

This kiss, held in the gentle embrace of the sun's glow, symbolized a union of unspoken vows, a culmination of the love that had always existed between them, now made tangible. When they finally parted, their intertwined fingers spoke of a unity that was as unshakable and timeless as the very landscape they found themselves in.

And so, with hearts brimming with a newfound and unbreakable love, they resumed their run through the charming town, their hands entwined, their steps in harmony. The journey that lay before them was one they were now ready to embrace together, illuminated by the sun's ascent as it painted their path with its golden touch. Maddy and Minho moved forward in tandem, a united front, their evolving love story becoming a tapestry woven with threads of friendship, courage, and the exquisite beauty that accompanies unexpected and genuine affection.
this one was lowkey kinda cute. Not necessarily sure if this fits lino more than chan??? does it???????

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