Moonlight^hannie again^

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please comment if yall want me to do somebody else PLSS
genre--- fluff
AU- highschool hannie and maddy(i just like jisung and maddy mixed)
prompt--- i kinda did a whole summary so its too long for me to put it in here.

In the quiet suburban neighborhood, Maddy trudged along the familiar path to Han Jisung's house, her heart a whirlwind of emotions. Her cheeks were stained with tears that she hadn't been able to hold back since discovering her boyfriend's betrayal. With each step, the weight of the situation grew heavier, and doubt gnawed at her resolve. Could she really confide in Jisung, her best friend and secret crush?

Finally arriving at Jisung's doorstep, she hesitated, her fingers hovering over the doorbell. Her heart pounded loudly in her chest, almost drowning out the sound of her own thoughts. The last thing she wanted was to burden Jisung with her problems, but she knew he cared for her deeply. Taking a deep breath, she pressed the doorbell and waited, the seconds stretching like an eternity.

The door swung open, and there stood Jisung, concern etched across his face. His eyes widened when he saw Maddy, her tear-streaked face a testament to her shattered emotions. Without a word, he stepped aside, inviting her in. She entered his familiar living room, feeling a mix of comfort and vulnerability.

Jisung gently closed the door and turned to face her, his voice soft with worry. "Maddy, what happened?"

Tears welled up in her eyes anew, and she recounted the painful details of her boyfriend's betrayal. Jisung listened attentively, his expression growing darker with every word. When she finished, he stepped closer, his eyes blazing with anger on her behalf. "I can't believe he would do that to you, Maddy."

His words offered a warmth that Maddy desperately needed. As the conversation wore on, the weight on her shoulders seemed to lighten, replaced by a burgeoning sense of safety in Jisung's presence. When she finally looked up, she caught his gaze, a silent understanding passing between them.

The next day at school was a mix of lingering hurt and newfound strength. Yuna's attempts to flirt with Jisung and Kanghyun's desperate attempts to reconcile only fueled Maddy's determination to move forward. She couldn't let the actions of others define her worth.

When Maddy and Jisung decided to skip school together, they found solace at Jisung's house. They sat on the balcony, the moon setting blue and purple hues across the sky. Jisung's eyes were soft as he looked at Maddy, his voice carrying a touch of awe. "The moon is so beautiful tonight."

Maddy tore her gaze from the stars to meet his eyes, and for a moment, time seemed to still. Jisung's words hung in the air, his sincerity a balm to her wounded heart. But as she met his gaze, he saw beyond the façade she had tried to maintain. Without a word, he rose from his seat and stepped toward her.

As he pulled her into his arms, a rush of emotions flooded over her. She felt safe, understood, and cared for all at once. And then, to her surprise, she felt the dampness of her cheeks. Jisung's hold tightened, and his voice was a gentle whisper. "Maddy, are you okay?"

Unable to speak, she merely nodded, her heart aching with gratitude for the unwavering support he offered. She hadn't expected to be comforted like this, to find strength in Jisung's embrace. As she looked up, she found his eyes searching hers, concern etched in every line of his face.

In that moment, she realized how much Jisung truly meant to her. He had been her anchor, her constant, especially now when everything felt like it was falling apart. And yet, even amidst her newfound clarity, doubt still lingered in her mind.

As if reading her thoughts, Jisung spoke, his voice tender and certain. "Maddy, I know this might not be the best time, but there's something I need to tell you."

She looked at him, curiosity mingling with the anxiety that still held her heart in its grip. "What is it, Jisung?"

He took a deep breath, his eyes unwavering as they held hers. "I've cared about you for a long time, Maddy. Maybe even longer than I realize. And seeing you hurt like this, it's made me realize just how much you mean to me."

Maddy's heart skipped a beat, her breath catching in her throat. Was he saying what she thought he was saying? Before she could form a coherent response, his lips were on hers, soft and tentative at first, then growing bolder with each passing moment.

It was a kiss that held all the unspoken words, all the emotions that had been building between them for years. As their lips melded together, Maddy felt a rush of warmth flood her entire being. In that stolen moment, doubts, fears, and uncertainties melted away, leaving only the sweet sensation of Jisung's lips against hers.

When they finally pulled away, their breaths mingling in the air, Maddy found herself gazing into Jisung's eyes, her heart no longer clouded with indecision. She smiled, a genuine and radiant expression that reflected the newfound clarity in her heart.

"Jisung," she whispered, her voice filled with a mix of gratitude and affection, "thank you for being here for me, for showing me that there's something beautiful even in the midst of all the pain."

He smiled back, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "I'll always be here for you, Maddy. And I promise, from now on, I'll do my best to make sure you're always smiling."

As they sat on the balcony, the moonlight bathing them in its soft glow, Maddy realized that even amidst heartache and betrayal, something beautiful had blossomed between her and Jisung. It was a love that had been there all along, waiting for the perfect moment to reveal itself—a love that was now as undeniable as the moonlight that graced the night sky.
im actually doing smth like this for a project in ela

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2023 ⏰

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