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I wake up and immediatly look at the clock. "Fuck, Aliyah wake up, its 7:15. Class starts at 7:45." I say and I quickly run to the bathroom to do my hair and put on my clothes. I come back and Aliyah is still laying down. "Aliyah I am serious. It is 7:30, wake up." I say and I push her off her bed. "I am going to call in sick." She says. "Okay then. Have a good day I have to go." I say rolling my eyes. Like ofcourse it is awful what Enzo did but they weren't even dating..

I look at a clock in the hallway and see that its 7:40. I run to class because I have potions and Snape will lose it if I come to late. I walk into the class and it just turned 7:46. "Sorry professor." I say and I sit down. "1 minute late, Levine." Snape says. "I know professor, I'll get to class 5 minutes early next time." I say and grab my book. I look to my right and I see Theodore looking at me, and then I remember yesterday. Oop-

He smirks at me and I try not to laugh. "Whats so funny miss Levine?" Snape asks annoyed. "Nothing professor, sorry." I say and I look at Snape. "5 points of Slytherin." he says and I roll my eyes. After Snape told us what we had to do he told us to get in duo's of two and make armortentia. Theo walks up to me. "Wanna be a duo?" he asks. "Sure." I say and we walk over to a cauldron to start making the amortentia. He grabs a book and finds the recipe. 

"Amortentia ingredients
-Standard potion water
-Ashwimder eggs
-Rose thorns
-Refined peppermint oil
-Mother of pearl
-Drop of blood from potion maker"

We put the potion water in first, sit it a little and then add the ashwimder eggs in and then the other ingredients, stirring after each ingredient. After 40 minutes we finish first. "Professor we are finished." I say and Snape walks up to us and smells it. "Students, our first pair has finished it. Miss Levine, can you tell us what you smell?" Snape asks. "Uhm.. I smell lime, and grass/trees,  violets and.. expensive cologne." I say and Theodore smirks. I know that it smells like him, and he knows to. Snape side eyes us and asks Theodore what he smells.

"I smell, Strawberries," he started "Vanilla, and orchids." he says and I smile because I use orchid smelling perfume, vanilla body lotion and my shampoo smells like strawberries.  "Now, could anyone tell us why they both smell a different scent?" Snape asks the class. Hermione is the only one who raises her hand and Snape picks her. "Amortentia smells different to each person, according to what attracts them. For example I smell mahogany apple and a very strong cologne." Hermione says. "That's right." Snape says and everyone gets 20 minutes to finish their potion.

After class Theo pulls me into an empty classroom, pushing me against the wall and he kisses me. "What was that for?" I ask, laughing. "To you smelling me, pretty girl." he says and I kiss him back. "I have to get to COMC (Care Of Magical Creatures), I'll see you at lunch." I say and I give him one last kiss. I take one last look over my shoulder, to see him smiling at me. 

"Sorry that I am late Hagrid." I say. "It's okay. Lets begin everyone!" he says and he tells us about a magical creature and he shows it to us. After COMC I have DATDA, with Blaise and Draco. "Where's Aliyah?" Draco asks. "She called in, sick after she walked into Enzo hooking up with Pansy." I say. "That's fucked up." Blaise says. "I know." I say and we walk into the classroom. It was a very boring lesson, but because of me Slytherin gained 40 points, ayeeee. 

We walk to the great hall to have lunch and I sit down next to Theo. "How were your other classes." He asks and he puts his hand on my thigh. Ugh I love it when he does that. "Boring, how about yours?" I ask. They were boring to, but Enzo blew something up." He says, laughing. "I want to skip charms and herbology, you in?" I ask Theo. "They will find tho." He says. "No they won't. I know a few Ravenclaws that'll replace us in class. We just have to witch robes. "Okay then." He says and I walk up to those Ravenclaws and we switch robes. 

"Where do you want to go to?" he asks. "Lets go to hogsmaede." I say and we go to Hogsmaede. We sit down at the three broomsticks and get butterbeer. After we go to the stores and Theo buys a few things for quidditch practice and I buy some perfume for myself. We get back at Hogwarts and meet with the Ravenclaws we met with earlier and switch our uniforms back on. 

"Wanna do something fun?" Theo asks me and I nodd. He grabs my hand and walks into an empty classroom. We starts kissing and it quickly escalates into me giving him head until H.C.I.M.M. "I. Have. To. Go. To. Transfiguration. Class." I say in-between our kisses. "Okay, I'll meet up with you as soon as possible." He says and we share one more kiss and then I walk to transfiguration class. I have this class together with Mattheo so I walk to class with him.

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