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We walk to the great hall and we hear a lot of toddlers crying but 'ours' is still sleeping. "How's it going guys?" I ask my friends. "Yn please help us out." Aylin says. I look at her toddler and she is throwing a tantrum. I grab her kid and I rub her back and I say some things to her and she stops crying. I look at Theodore and he is helping Blaise and Aliyah. Rome (Draco & Hermione) their toddler is playing with Aella who woke up. "How is it going with Rome?" I ask them. "Its going great! He is very calm but kind of stubborn tho." Draco says. "Literally a mix of you two." I say and they look at each other, smiling. "Now that im looking at Aella, she has your eyes an lips." Theodore says. I look at her and he is right. "Yes and your eyebrows and nose." I say. 

I look at Aella and her hair is a mess, luckily there are some tiny hair ties in her bag so I put in 2 pigtails and she looks adorable. "Mommy, walk." she says. It feels so weird to have a kid calling you mommy.. "Do you want to walk?" I ask. She nods. "Okay lets go I say and I hold her hand. "Daddy cwome!" she says and she reaches her hand to Theodore. He holds her hand and we walk through the halls and we see professor Dumbledore. "Hi!" she says to him. "Hello." he says and smiles at her. She walks up to him and pulls his beard. Oh my god. "Hey! Aella you can not hurt somebody. Go say sorry to him." I say and she apologizes. "Its okay little one." he says and I also apologize to him. "Oh my god." I say and Theodore laughs. 

"Lets go back." I say and we walk back. When Aella sees Rome, she runs to him and they start to play again. "Mione I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back." Draco says and he kisses Hermione. When he turns around Ron walks over to him and pushes him. "What are you doing?!" Ron says mad. "I kissed my girlfriend, thats what I was doing. Any problem with that?" Draco says and Ron scoffs and walks away. "He is so weird." Hermione says. "I know." Draco says and he kisses her again and walks away.

"Let's go to the common room." Theodore says. "Guys we are going to the common room, who wants to come, can come." I say and we walk away and Theodore puts Aella on his shoulder just like before.

There are a lot of kids crying so we decide to go to my room. "Can I sit down on your bed?" Theodore asks. "Ofcourse, you dont even need to ask." I say and he lays down. Aella also tries to get on the bed but she is to short so Theodore grabs her and she lays down on his chest and eventually falls asleep. A few minutes later I look at Theodore and he also fell asleep. Oh my gosh, how longer I watch him, how much cuter and hotter he gets. Omg Yn stop thinking like this.

I decide to finish up some homework when someone knocks on my door, its Blaise, Aliyah and their toddler, Wesley. "Yn-" Blaise says in a loud voice but I shush him. "They are sleeping dont talk that loud." I say and I let them inside. Blaise raises one eye brow when he sees Theodore sleeping and gives me a side eye. "Boy what?" I say. "No nothing.." he says and Aliyah and Blaise give each other a side eye.

"Anyway, Wesley wanted to play with Aella but she's sleeping." Aliyah says and she picks up Wesley. She slowly swings him around until he falls asleep. "Yn come sit down." Blaise says and he sits down on the couch. I sit down and Aliyah sits on the ground. "What are we of mr. enemy?"  he asks. I roll my eyes and say: "Mr. enemy turned into mr. cute." I say and Blaise and Aliyah immediately scream. "AAAAH I KNEW IT GIRL!" Blaise yells. Aella wakes up crying and so does Wesley. "Oh sorry Wesley." Blaise says and he comforts Wesley. Theodore also wakes up and comforts Aella. 

"MOMMY!!" Aella yells, searching for me. I grab her and I lie down next to Theodore and now I realize how tired I actually am and when Aella finally stops crying we both fall asleep but we wake up to Blaise and Aliyah yelling again. "Can y'all just shut the fuck up?" I say annoyed. "Fuck!" Aella says. Blaise and Aliyah start laughing but Theodore and I dont. "Hey do not say that!" Theodore says and grabs Aella. "Why daddy?" she asks. "Its a very bad word." He says and he grabs Aella her barbie and stuffed animal and they start to play together.

Fast forward to dinner

I feed Aella some food and luckily she eats it. "So, what are we going to do when it comes to sleep?" Theodore asks. "Maybe she can sleep at yours today and tomorrow at mine, so we'll switch it up?" I say. "Yeah that can work." he says. I look at Meave (Aylin & Lorenzo's toddler) and she doesn't want to eat. "Ayo Theo, help us." Lorenzo says and Theodore helps them make their toddler eat and he look so hot doing it help-

After dinner I smell this suffocating smell. "What the fu- I mean what? Do you also smell that?" I ask Theodore. "Yes, I think she pooped." he says. "Rock, paper, scissors and who loses needs to change her." I say. "Deal." we do rock, paper, scissors and I won. "Ah fuck! I am going to clean her in my dorm, you joining?" He asks. I want to go but I am scared that the same thing that happened to me with Cedric is going to happen now (because he also invited me to his dorm). "Uh.." I say. Theodore notices it rubs my back. "I promise Yn, I will never do such a fucked up thing to anyone, especially not you but I do get it if you don't want to come with me." he says and I give him a hug. "I know that its true but I am not comfortable doing that yet." I say and he say thats its okay. "Will I see you in the common room then?" He asks. "Yes." I say and he walks away with Aella.

"We are going to the common room." Lorenzo says. "Me to I say and I follow the three to the common room. We talk for a while until someone gently pulls my hair, its Theodore with Aella. "She's all cleaned up and we are both so tired so we are going to bed." Theodore says. "Okay, goodnight you two." I say and they walk away. "I am also so tired, I am going to bed."  I say and I say goodbye and when I walk into my room I see Aliyah, Blaise and Wesley already laying in bed sleeping (Because Aliyah and I share a dorm, different beds tho). 

I fall asleep and a few hours someone knocks on the door. I open it and its Theodore with a crying Aella. "So sorry for waking you up. She is crying about you the entire time." He says. "No its okay." I say and I grab her and walks towards the bed and Theodore is about to leave when Aella starts crying again. "I want Daddy to!" she cries. He looks at me and I tell him to just sleep on the couch but she also cries about that. "No daddy bed to!" she says. I am really not comfortable with that and Theodore notices that. "What do you think?" Theodore says. "We can sleep in bed together just dont come close." I say and we lay down,  with Aella in the middle.

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