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"Be careful okay sweetie?" "Yes mom I will, the train can go any second so I need to go." I say to my mom. "Okay love you." She says. "I love you more mom, bye." I say and I walk into the Hogwarts express. My fourth year of Hogwarts is starting, I am so excited to see my friends again. I have hung out with Aliyah 1 time but that was quite it. 

I walk through the hall of the train and look for my friends but then someone bumps into me. Fucking hell, its of course that stupid bitch Theodore Nott. He has always hated me for no fucking reason, so I hate him back. "Ayo watch out Levine!" He says. "Oh shut up Nott, you were the one bumping into me." I say, rolling my eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me." he says. I ignore him and walk away but he says one last thing that made my blood boil. "Dont tell me to shut up, mud blood." He says and his friends, Mattheo Riddle, Enzo Fox & Lorenzo Berkshire begin to laugh. "What did you just say?" I ask him. "You heard me, mud blood." He says. "Come again." I say.

"I said mudblo-" before he can finish I hit him in his face with my fist and run away before he can get me. I luckily immediately find my friend group and sit down in their train compartment. "Oh my gosh!! I missed you all so much!!" I say and I close the door. "We missed you to!" Draco says and gives me a hug, the others follow. "You guys will not guess what just happened." I say. "Tell us." Blaise says. "Nott bumped into me and told me to watch out so I said 'shut up, you were the one bumping into me' and then he called me a mud blood and I punched him in his face and then I ran away." I say and sit down. 

"Girl the year hasn't even started yet and y'all are already getting into fights again." Aliyah says. "Well he begun." I say. "Do you know why I think he hates you?" Draco says. "Tell me." I answer. "I think he likes you." He says and the others yell "YES I WAS THINKING THE SAME THING!" 

"Hold the fuck up. What do you mean by that." I say. "Well he always teases you, he looks very jealous when you talk to another boy and he almost beat me up because he thought we were in a relationship, remember?" Draco says. "Y'all are so delusional, he does not like me. He literally bullies me y'all." I say. "Well Draco also called Hermione a mud blood, and he likes her soo.." Blaise says and everyone laughs. "I do not like her! As Yn said: you guys are delusional as fuck." he says and rolls his eyes. "But fr Yn, can't you see it?" Aylin asks me. "No, I dont because he doesn't like me, period." everyone rolls their eyes at me and at that moment Hermione walks by and Draco literally breaks his neck to take a good look. 

"Sir did I just see that right?" I ask Blaise. "Yes you did ma'am, I told you Dramione was reallll!" Blaise says and everyone laughs except Draco. "I don't like mudbloods, no offense Yn." Draco says. "I love you to Draco dont worry." I say and we start talking about other stuff until someone knocks on our door and it is... Im fucked up. Its Nott. "Yn you are fucked up, his nose is bleeding."  Aliyah says. "I honestly feel bad now." I say and he opens the door.

"What the fuck were you thinking you motherfucker. You are lucky that you are a girl or else I would've beat you up. I will get you, not a smart move Levine." He says. "Oh uhm. Im sorry about your nose, but you did deserve it, you calling me a mudblood!" I say. He sighs and walks away. "Oop- you are fucked honey." Blaise says and I look down. "Anyway, Draco what do you really think of Hermione?" Aliyah asks. "I dont know."  he answers and he looks at her because she is in the compartment infront of us. "What do you mean 'I dont know'? Wait would you kiss her?" I ask. "I dont know." He says and plays with his hands. "Boy answer the damn question." I say. "I would I guess." he mumbles. I heard him but I still said: "I didn't hear you, louder please!" 

He rolls his eyes and says: "I already did okay! Is it over now." Everyones mouth fall open. "OH MY GOD WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN DRAYDRAY!?" Blaise says. "A little before the summer vacation we started talking and I told her that I am sorry for all the things i've done and a few days later we went to a park and we kissed and-" "WAIT EXCUSE ME?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN AND?! IS THERE MORE?" Blaise yells. "Can I finish? Thank you. And then we started sending each other letters and I promised her that I would talk to her in the train." He says and everyone is quiet. "Oh my gosh. Well go talk to her then she is looking at you." I say. He looks at her and gives her a signal but she looks at Harry & Ron, and then back at Draco. "She can't because of them." He says. "Ill just go get her." I say and stand up. Hermione and I has always been friendly to each other so the Harry & Ron won't think much of it, I hope. 

I knock on their door and I open it. "Omg Hermione! How have you been doing." I ask her. She looks at Draco and then she says: "I am doing great! How about you?" "I am also doing great! Would you like to sit at us for a few minutes to catch up?" I ask. "Sure! Guys i'll be back." she says and follows me. I look at Harry and Ron for a second and they look at me. When we walk into the compartment she sits next to Draco and he bumps his feet gently against hers. "You told them?" She asks. "Yes, I did. You didn't tell Potter and Weasley right or did you?" He asks. "No, I am afraid I could never. They hate you." She says. "I get them tho, I also hate Draco." Blaise says to Hermione and everyone laughs and Harry and Ron look at us. 

"Sorry if I am being awkward I never really hung out with other people then Harry & Ron." Hermione says and looks at them. "No its okay." Draco says and he put his hand on her thigh and the others and I try to act like we didn't see that. Blaise and I give each other a side eye and then start laughing. "Hermione I got something for you." Draco says. "Really? You didn't have to!" Hermione says. "I know." He says and everyone looks at Draco. He grabs a little black box in his suitcase and hands it to her. She opens it and it is a beautiful necklace with the letter H on it with diamonds. "It is beautiful Draco thank you so much, you didn't have to." She says and hugs him and he hugs her back. "Btw those are real diamonds so be carefull." he says. "WHAT!?!?!?!" Blaise, Hermione, Aliyah, Aylin and I yell. "I dont want it, its very thoughtful but I cannot take it." Hermione says but Draco grabs the necklace and puts it around her neck.

"I dont know what to say actually. I just.. wow." she says and Blaise pulls Draco's hair. "Boy you still own me 100 Galleons and meanwhile you give her a DIAMOND necklace." Blaise says. We laugh and Hermione stands up. "I have to go back, I think they saw us hug.. Wish me luck." she says and walks away. We all watch and when she walks in Harry en Ron immediatly begin to talk to her and she talks back but talking goes to yelling and then Hermione starts crying and she walks away. 'Wtf, Draco go after her dude." Blaise says and Draco stands up and runs after her.

"Poor girl." Aylin says. "I know. But I am going to the bathroom to change my clothes so I'll be back." I say and walk away. Right before I walk into the bathroom someone pulls my hair and pulls me into a compartment. I see Pansy and some other girls around me. "What the fuck!" I say and stand up but Pansy pushes me down. "You bitch!" she yells. "What the fuck did I do!?" I say. "You know exactly what you did! You made Draco stop talking to me because you like him!" She yells. Is this bitch fr?

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