P1.7: Athena's Angels

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When a meteorite emerges from a wormhole, XIG-SELECT's top Angels, Team Athena (Saki, Katou, and Akira), have a chance to fight. But, when Hyper C.O.V. returns, and with Varsite on their side, XIG-SELECT sends its top 3 fighter teams to investigate.

Gai: "Thinking Pose, activate!"

Then, Gai figures out that the noise coming from Varsite sounded like music. So, it's revealed that Varsite is creating thousands of C.O.V.s. Team Athena shows off their Rock 'n Roll strategy by attacking the Varsite. Then, the Varsite falls into the US, meaning Seattle. That's when Gai goes and checks things out. The Varsite changes orbit, thanks to Rock 'n Roll, but it lets out a bunch of baby C.O.V.s and Hyper C.O.V.


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Gai: "Awaken, the light within me! Ultraman Geyser!"


Ultraman Geyser joins the fight and takes on Hyper C.O.V. and the baby C.O.V. Then, after Sonic, Dragon, and Athena take out the little C.O.V.s, Geyser takes out Hyper C.O.V. again.

Now, it's all Rock 'n Roll for Team Athena. 

Ultraman Geyser: New Generation GaiaWhere stories live. Discover now