honestly waht

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 the day passed by, which you wish you couldve described as smoothly, but unfortunately for you it was jam packed with mixed emotions of anger and pride. the unspoken competition between you and kuroo only grew, and was now quite obvious to the rest of the people in the camp.

how did it even grow to this? a day ago, you two were nothing but strangers, but now you both hated each other with all your guts. it was quite amusing to your cabin mates, watching you rant about the "asshole".

"i hate him, i feel him making fun of me behind my back twenty-four seven." you grumbled, putting your face into your hands as you walked to dinner.

"you know, if it bothers you to that extent, you can always ask the director if you can switch your schedule. i tried it once and she let me!" mina suggested. you never thought about that.

"wait, thats a good idea. wheres the directors office?"

"here, ill take you!"

the two of you walked to the office building, talking about nothing in particular. as you approached the door, she nudged you.

"here it is, just knock and she'll let you in." she whispered to you. you turned to her, widened eyes.

"aeri, im scaredddd," you whisper-whined, clinging onto her shoulder. she sighed.

"y/n, you must go on alone. you must decide your own fate." she said, eyes closed, and hands on her hips. you looked down.

"ok, thank you maam," you sniffed, going up to the door.

"i believe in you!" she put her hand on your shoulder. you quickly changed your expression.

"ok but aeri seriously, im nervous."

"oh my gosh you'll be fine, shes nice, most of the time." she whispered the last part extra quiet. "just knock already.

"fine, go away."

"good luck, loser."

"shut up." you knocked on the door, and heard a stern "come in." from inside.

you opened the door slowly, stepping in, and spotting a wild kuroo sitting in one of the chairs in front of the director. you both gave each other a disgusted look.

"do you need something? i was about to discuss schedules with this young man."

"hi, thats perfect, i need to talk about my schedule too." you said. the director gestured for you to sit down, and you did as asked.

"alright, so what do you both need?"

"i want to change my schedule." you both said in unison, then quickly snapped your heads to face each other, glaring.

"ah, i see both of you have preset schedules. why would you like to switch your schedules?" she said, looking at her computer, paying no attention to the tension in the air.

"well i-"

"i think-"

both of you started your sentence at the same time, and you gave him a look. he rolled his eyes.

"ladies first." he said. you cringed.

"i dont like my courses." you declared. the older woman looked up.

"and why is that?" she asked, her glasses slightly falling.

"i dont like the people in my course." you managed to say.

"thats not a valid reason, no." she said. "why do you want to change your schedule?" she turned to kuroo. your jaw widened in shock.

"wait, ms, why?"

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