6. dickhead

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"alrighty, campers! gather around!" a counselor announced. "we will be starting archery in two minutes, but try to get acquainted with each other!"

you scanned through the crowd, looking at every single person up and down, and didnt see a single one of your new friends. you did recognize a face though.

kuroo tetsurou.

he stood there with his hands in his pockets, pushing back his hair, seemingly studying people around him, just as you were. you werent sure if he was nice or not. sure, satori was friends with him, but you had to know for sure who exactly youd be friends with.

what did you even have to lose though? you didnt know anyone else here, and everyone else found new friends. you gathered up courage, almost approached him, but then the counselor spoke again.

"we'll be starting our course now, please line up."

the crowd formed a line, and watched as the counselor instructed how to use the bow and arrow, where to shoot, and safety rules.

"for safety reasons, we will not be starting off with real arrows, and you will be using these plunger looking ones." the counselor explained, holding up a toy arrow. he handed ten to each and every one of you. another assistant instructor handed out wooden bows. "we will be keeping score on who is the most accurate, and whoever wins by the end will get a prize. who wants to go first?"

many people began to shoot at the target, mostly failing, flying off the target too. the only person who had made bullseye was kuroo, and now it was your turn.

"shit, how do i even do this?" you said, gripping onto the bow and arrow. you pulled the arrow back, and released, not aiming at anything in particular, but almost like a miracle, the arrow landed straight on the bullseye.

"what the fuck? i didnt even aim.." you muttered, walking to the back of the line. kuroo looked you up and down, not expecting you to be able to hit it. he had done archery for a few years as a side hobby, so he had noticed that when you tried to shoot the arrow, you had no particular technique. your form was sloppy, you didnt aim at all, you seemed like a beginner, so how the hell did you even get on the target?

"y/n and kuroo are in the lead for now, who will win?" some counselor tried to hype everyone up with a megaphone.

as time went on, only the two of you were able to keep up with each other, consistently hitting near the middle of the target. at this point, you both were getting tired of each other, and just wanted to win already. it was at the point where most of the other people in the archery course were just sitting on the side, exhausted, dehydrated, and eager to see who would win the prize.

"im going to win that prize, loser." kuroo said, smirking and eyeing you as he aimed at the target. you chuckled.

"you wish."

"do those two think theyre in some movie? can they stop talking and just win already? jeez." some guy said from the side.

both of you went back and forth, not willing to give up. sometimes, youd make snarky comments at him, and hed do the same to you. you both felt an impending feeling of rivalry against each other.

suddenly, kuroos arrow went flying to the outside of the target, seemingly from being so tired. you just had to get the arrow in the middle again like how youd been doing, and youd win the prize.

you aimed, your form being a whole lot better than beginning the session, and let go. you watched as it hit the very middle, sticking onto the big board.

"y/n won!" the counselor announced, circling your name on the chalkboard he had been keeping track of everyone's score on. you smirked.

"i won!" you said. you turned to kuroo, tip toed to his height (IF YOURE TALLER THAN HIM IGNORE THAT), leaned close to his face, still keeping up the smile you had

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