The final encounter

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As the terrorists neared them, Saanvi looked at Vikram's calm face, and asked "What is the plan?"

Without looking at her, he answered "Run!"

He pulled her along as he ran away from the sight of the terrorists, towards the tents on his left side, with the terrorists giving chase. The terrorists turned the corner to find Vikram standing few feet away, with two guns pointing at them. As they raised their guns, Saanvi stepped out from behind Vikram, and shot a grenade at them. The blast took down many of them, leaving only a cloud of dust hovering. The remaining terrorists kept shooting their guns as they ran through the smoke, only to find that Vikram and Saanvi had disappeared from there.

Vikram and Saanvi who were running in the spaces between the tents, stopped in shock as someone grabbed her leg. Expecting the worse, she looked down to find one of the Indian army soldiers, who was injured, holding her leg. Vikram rushed to him and pulled him up, and with Saanvi's support, took him into a nearby tent. Lying down, the soldier whose left arm was riddled with bullets, said "Sir, I am David. There are still many like me who are injured, but alive. Can you please help to save them?"

Before Vikram could answer, sound of a jeep stopping near their tent, made them crouch down. Vikram stood ready to shoot in case someone entered. Faizal's voice was heard screaming at the driver of the jeep.

"What were you doing all this time? Where are the rest of the vans and bombs?"

The driver answered "Sir, they are on the way. We loaded them with all sorts of ammunition."

Faizal replied "Good. The Indian Army thinks that they escaped from us. They have no idea what is in store for them."

A sound from his walkie talkie interrupted him. "Sir, we can't find that Major or his girlfriend. They seem to be hiding here somewhere."

Faizal cursed loudly. "You incompetent imbecils! A single guy and girl are taking you for a ride. The bridge is the only way out of this place. Station some guys near the bridge, to ensure they don't escape via that way."

Turning to the jeep driver, Faizal continued "As soon as our vans arrive, you lead them into the town and start attacking the key places. I will follow in the last van. I am going to set off bombs all over this place to ensure that there is no escape for that army fellow. You have 10 minutes to get out of here, before this whole place goes up in flames"

Inside the tent, Vikram after hearing this conversation, adjusted his watch to 10 minutes count down, while strategizing on to rescue the injured soldiers in time before the bombs go off.

After some time, Vikram peeked out slowly to see the driver turning on the jeep. Seeing no one else around, he swiftly stepped out just as the jeep started and pulled the driver out. One smash delivered on the driver's head rendered him unconscious. Vikram turned to Saanvi who had followed him outside and whispered "Can you take David in a jeep and try to rescue as many injured soldiers as possible. I will distract Faizal's guys away from you. You go to the bridge and escape from here."

Saanvi shook her head "I didn't come back just to leave you again."

Vikram gently stroked her cheeks. "Those guys have families waiting for them at home. Think of all the families you will be saving. Please do this for me. I will meet you near the bridge. I promise."

She held his hand against her cheeks, not wanting to let go. But he withdrew his hand as he went into the tent and brought David out.

She got in the driver's seat with David in passenger seat and drove away as Vikram took the grenade launcher in one hand and a gun in another. He shot the grenade in the opposite direction from where Saanvi was heading to get the terrorists attention diverted. The sound of men running, made him smirk. Exactly what he needed. Prey walking into the hunter's trap. Throwing the empty grenade launcher, he took a machine gun strapped on his back. As the terrorists emerged near the place of grenade explosion, they were welcomed by the sight of a tall figure shrouded by the smoke from the blast. Even before their brain could register Vikram's presence and signal their hands to shoot at him, his machine gun started blasting bullets which took their brain apart. He stood like a messenger of death, dealing out death to all the perpetrators. Bodies dropped on the ground, making a small stream of blood. Another group which started attacking from behind him, made him roll over and slide across the wet ground on his back, shooting them mercilessly. Finally, when he stood up and surveyed the area around, no one was left standing other than him.

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