The Conclusion

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Dhruv woke up in the hospital bed, in pain but his first instinct was to find his best friend. As he hurried towards the ICU where Vikram was, he saw Vikram's parents and Saanvi waiting outside, looking worried. Virat was standing at a distance with his arms around the shoulders of a girl, who was crying, and he was consoling her. Though he could not see the girl properly, Dhruv's heart sank. He knew that Nidhi was not his, still he did not want to see her upset. He fastened his pace and ended up stumbling. Just as he was about to fall, someone caught his shirt from behind and stopped his fall. He turned to find Nidhi looking at him with utmost concern.

As she made him sit down on nearby chair, Dhruv's first question was "Is Vikram okay?"

Nidhi replied "It was a bit of touch and go, he was hurt bad and went into critical state. But now he is pulling through. He should be okay."

Dhruv gave a sigh of relief and only after that, did he remember the girl next to Virat.

Confused he asked, "Who is the girl with Virat?"

Nidhi responded, "It is Aadhya." Looking at the puzzled look on Dhruv's face, she explained "Virat fell in love with her while taking her for check-ups and also helping her with her kid. Finally he managed to convince her to marry him."

Realisation dawned on Dhruv about his terrible mistake. He cursed himself for ever doubting Nidhi and Virat. Especially Virat whom he had always regarded as brat, who was now marrying a widow and being a father for Suraj's son.

He told Nidhi apologetically "Nidhi, will you forgive me for being a jerk?"

When Nidhi nodded with a small smile as she replied, "On one condition, do you promise to break coconuts whenever we go to a temple?"

He winked, "Also at our home when you make coconut chutney for me."

Nidhi blushed as she sat next to him. Dhruv held her hands tightly determined to never let go.


It had been a few weeks since the events, and Vikram had returned to Bangalore to recover, with along Saanvi. One fine day, Vikram had insisted to take Saanvi out for a long drive in the night. Just as he expected, as soon she got into the car, she put on her favourite song – Dooke Chinuka from Miss Shetty Mr Polishetty on loop and fell asleep halfway through the journey.

Whether it was the song or the effect of being in love, the lyrics touched a chord in his heart.

"Arey Arey Enti Gaaradi
Ganta Kshanamauthunnadhi
Alaa Alaa Jantai Saagithe
Mailu Adugauthunnadhi"

Looking at Saanvi's peaceful face while she was sleeping, he felt the same emotions. Hours felt like seconds and miles seemed like steps when she was with him.

As the beautiful colours heralded the arrival of the master of light - Sun, Vikram smiled. They were just in time. He stopped the car and looked at Saanvi, who was still deep asleep. He still could not believe that when he first met her, he was so against love, marriage, and now he could not even imagine what his life would be without her.

He gently woke her up and led her out to his favourite place, while covering her eyes. When he uncovered her eyes, she was welcomed by the sight of the sunrise at the Malpe beach. Her face lit up with joy as she took in the sky which looked like it was decorated for a festival and the reflection in the ocean took her breath away.

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