River Rage

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Saanvi woke up with her mouth gagged, and a throbbing pain in her head. She was in the back of a van, with Vikram facing her. While she struggled to free her hands and legs which were tied, Vikram. She could hear the crooks talking in the middle seat. She dared to peak from the back, to see the first doctor checking out his phone before answering the guy in the front seat.

"Yes Sir. We are almost there. Trust me, the place is quite isolated. Perfect for us."

They appeared to be going deeper into the jungle. Vikram recognized the sound of a river flowing nearby. He had just managed to free himself when the van stopped near a cliff overlooking the river.

When the 2 doctors opened the van door, Vikram slammed into them. During the struggle, one of the first doctor's phone fell and Saanvi managed to pocket it quietly. Vikram listened carefully as one of them rushed at him. Vikram swung his long leg at him, crushing his skull with full force against the ground. The second doctor held Vikram from the back, while the van driver pummeled him. Vikram knocked out the driver by smashing his head against his nose. The driver fell back bleeding profusely from a broken nose. Just when Vikram was about to overpower the second doctor, a shot rang out. Vikram held his stomach, to reveal blood spilling out from the bullet shot. As Saanvi rushed to Vikram. a bearded man came into sight, holding a gun.

"So, we meet again, Vikram. Guess God wants you to die in my hands." He said with a crooked smile.

At hearing the voice, Vikram exclaimed "Nawaz!"

Nawaz looked impressed "You Indian Army guys are courageous, I should say. Blinded, and shot still ready to strike. I could have shot you and dumped you in the city itself. But not only should you die a painful death, your family should never be able to even find your body parts. It is such a scenic place, river behind you, forest in front, pity you can't see it. At least your girlfriend can."

Saanvi held Vikram's hand desperately, trying to think of a way to escape.

The second doctor touched his chin thoughtfully "Sir, you can cut that guy to pieces while I enjoy a little with her."

He advanced towards Saanvi creepily, as she stepped back till, they were at the edge of the cliff. She whispered to Vikram "Ready for a swim?"

Before Nawaz could realize, Saanvi and Vikram had jumped into the raging river below. It seemed like a split second before they both hit the water. Above them, Nawaz was firing like crazy at them. She held his hand tightly but was pulled away by the force of the river. Vikram swam to the surface and screamed "Saanvi!! Saanvi!!"

He heard her "Vikrammm.." at a distance. Swimming quickly towards the sound, he realized that despite not knowing swimming, Saanvi had jumped into the river to save him. She was in danger only because of him, and his blindness made it almost impossible to save her. All his senses came alive as the adrenaline kicked in. He was determined to reach her or die trying. Unfortunately, he swam past her just as she submerged. He screamed her name and despaired on not hearing her sound. He splashed his hands around wildly, hoping to find her. Saanvi who came up to the surface just then, managed to scream his name, before getting engulfed by water. All she could see was the green algae and the dirty water. But her sound was enough for him to figure out that she was behind him. 

He was getting pulled through a narrow portion of the river, when a huge log bumped into him

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He was getting pulled through a narrow portion of the river, when a huge log bumped into him. He jammed the log against the two sides of the bank. Using the log as support to avoid getting pulled by the surging river, he waited as the currents brought Saanvi there. As he felt her hand, he pulled her up and held her as though his life depended on it. With the log as guide, he held her with one hand, and tried to reach up the bank. But the river was relentlessly as its force was dashing them against the rocks. He shielded her with his body as the water rammed them against the rocks. His body was searing with pain, but he did not let go of her. Holding the rocks, he pulled up on a lower-level riverbank.

Saanvi was still, as he lay her on the soft grass. All the pain in his body seemed nothing when compared to the pain in his heart. For the first time in a long while, he prayed as he administered first aid to her. She woke suddenly, throwing up the river water, sending a huge sense of relief through him.

She looked at him with concern "Are you ok?"

He smiled weakly "Dumbo, I should be asking you that question. Jumping into the river without knowing swimming, that was crazy! I wish we could have taken a photo of the look on Nawaz's face. He must have been furiously astounded."

Saanvi said urgently "Hey, we need to call an ambulance. You are injured badly. I have that crook's phone. Good that I saw him put in his phone password in the van."

Vikram rose up "Forget the ambulance. I need to call Abhay Sir. Call up the number I give you."

When Abhay answered the phone, Vikram spoke in a firm voice "Sir, the video evidence is all stored in a Cloud server, under our account. You can use it to raid not only this hospital, but also the associated hospitals, suppliers. All the details are in the folder we decrypted from their server."

He paused as a sharp pain shot up from his abdomen where the bullet was lodged. "Sir, please make sure you get that Nawaz alive." He continued till the pain became unbearable that he clutched his stomach.

Abhay sensing that all was not okay with Vikram, said "Vikram, take care of yourself first. I will take care of those bloody terrorists. I will have your phone location traced and find you."

By then, Vikram's grip on the phone was loosening. He collapsed near Saanvi, who took his head onto her lap.

He whispered "Am sorry I put you through so much troubl.." his eyes closed before he could finish the sentence.

Saanvi called out his name in vain. She screamed in anguish as his body became totally inert. She put her head down on his chest as her hold on his shirt tightened. She could feel his heartbeat slowing down.

"No please No. Don't give up now. please don't." she cried

Distant honking broke through her cries. She could barely see through the sea of tears in her eyes as she rushed towards the car, screaming for help. It seemed a blur, how the car stopped, and the youngsters inside helped to take Vikram to the nearest hospital. He had already lost a lot of blood and was taken to the operation theatre immediately. She sat in a chair praying for him. It seemed like ages before Vikram's family, and her family arrived. Vasudha was in panic mode, while Narayan had the top specialist surgeons flown in for his son's treatment.

Vasudha and Saanvi sat together holding hands, two ladies bound by the limitless love for the guy who was ready to sacrifice his life for the country.

After the operation completed, the doctors declared that his head injury was severe, and they had tried to repair it best they can. They could not say what would the affect till he woke up.

Few hours later, Saanvi stood in the ICU holding his hand.

"You said that I was a dumbo for jumping in the river. I was a believer – in you. I know you won't give up on me. Do you even know how secure I feel when I am with you? I feel like even if the whole world tried to hurt me, you will protect me from them. So better get up soon coz I am going to destroy that Nawaz who did this to you."

After almost 30 hours, Vikram opened his eyes, only to be greeted by bright lights and beeping monitors. As he looked around, he saw his mother sleeping on the sofa, his father busy on the phone. As he tried to call them, he saw her sitting next to his bed – a pretty girl who was working on her laptop, with a determined look. He smiled. He knew her just by the sound of typing on keyboard, her perfume, her involuntary sighs. How did he miss such a beauty so many days, he wondered? That's when he realized with a shock that he was able to see. His vision was back!!

"You look tired, Saanvi. Take a break" he said in a soft voice.

Saanvi broke into a huge smile at his voice. As she turned towards him, his shining eyes were looking at her with great amusement as the realization hit her.

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