When evil rises again

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Virat sat facing his father, along with their lawyer. Narayan looked apologetic, as he explained what transpired that eventful day.

"My business had just taken off and started making profits. So, I along with Prakash were celebrating in a resort in the hill station. I was fully sloshed when I got a call that your mother had fallen down the stairs and hurt her head. She was admitted in the ICU and was in a critical state. In my hurry to reach your mother, I made the mistake of driving the car in a drunken state, along with Prakash. I don't remember much during the drive. But suddenly I remember waking up in the car and finding that we had crashed into another car. I checked the lady who was in the passenger seat in the front, Saanvi's mother. But she was already dead. Prakash who was checking the driver told me that he was also dead. I was so scared that I didn't even notice the kids in the back. I freaked out because if I got arrested, then what would happen to your mother and you guys. So, we immediately left from the spot. I didn't even know that Shiv survived until Saanvi showed me their family picture."

He covered his face with his hands as he sobbed pitifully. "I am a sinner. I killed an innocent lady. I should have confessed that time itself. But I was a coward. And now my son's life is destroyed because of me."

Virat patted his father's shoulders, "Dad, you didn't do it on purpose. I will try to get you out somehow."

Narayan shook his head "No. I deserve to get punished. Only thing you need to do is convince Shiv to agree to the wedding. I don't want Vikram and Saanvi to pay the price for my sins. That poor girl has been through enough, because of me."

With a heavy heart as Virat left from the police station, he saw Prakash at a distance driving out of the police station.

When He enquired with the inspector, an astonishing piece of information was revealed.

Prakash was not only the one who had told Shiv about Narayan causing the accident, but also being the prime witness, he had stated that it was Narayan who had checked Shiv and declared him as dead and then convinced Prakash to leave.

Virat scratched his head in confusion. That didn't make sense. This statement completely contradicted Narayan's statement and nature. He would not never leave someone to die purposely.

Just then someone tapped his shoulder. He turned around to find Nidhi, looking apprehensive.

"Nidhi, I am not sure if you would even want to, but I need your help. My lawyer also has given up saying that nothing can be done. But something about this whole incident seems wrong."

She nodded "My sister already spoke to me. She is worried about you and your mother. So, whatever help you need, I am there for you."

She added "Apparently Jiju – I mean your brother is arranging for someone else to help. Saanvima said that you should get a call soon." 

In an hour, as they were headed towards the venue of the accident to investigate, Virat received a call from unknown number.

A female's voice said "Hi Virat. This is Shrushti. Vikram explained everything to me. I am also a lawyer. So, I will take up this case to defend your father."


Saanvi and Vikram were sitting next to each other, in the car, with Ehsan driving them to the airport. Vikram sat leaning forward in the seat, his shoulders taut with tension, his hands folded in front of him, with him trying to mask his misery, but failing. Unable to see him like that, she gently massaged his shoulders. Her soft touch weaved the magic, making his muscles relax.

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