Back at the Hospital

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The next morning, Vikram woke up in a cheerful mood to the sound of chirping birds. But the sound that he wanted to hear most was the sound of her sweet voice. Dhruv smiled knowingly as he asked him to select a white T shirt for him.

"Isn't white Saanvi's favourite colour?" He teased Vikram.

Vikram pretended not to hear it as he asked "Dude, does my hair look fine?"

Though he could not see himself in the mirror, he hoped he looked presentable as he waited eagerly for her while Casper rested on his leg. Finally, he heard Dhruv greet her at the door. Casper rushed to her, as Vikram stood up with a huge smile.

Saanvi did not even look at Vikram as she handed his phone to Dhruv.

Saanvi was speaking to Dhruv "Vikram's phone was in my bag. He got a call yesterday; can you ask him to call them back. Bye" She hurriedly turned to leave when Casper caught her dress, determined not to let her go.

"Casper, let go. I need to go to office." She glanced at Vikram as she continued "I can't keep wasting my time here. Find someone else to bother." The sharpness in her tone was not lost on Vikram. She was angry about something. Did it have something to do with him, he wondered.

After she left, Casper whimpered after her. Vikram's cheerfulness waned off as he tried to remember if he had said something to hurt her the previous day or did she also start considering him as a burden. His brain went into overdrive trying to figure out why she did not even speak to him.

Just then Dhruv who was checking Vikram's phone remarked "Hey, looks like Aadhya called you yesterday. She must have spoken to Saanvi instead." while handing the phone to him.

What if Aadhya told her everything? Maybe that's why she is angry.

He meant to reveal the truth to her soon, but maybe it was too late

He immediately said "Siri, dial Aadhya."

She had slipped off his mind in midst of the operation. He set off with Dhruv to plan for Aadhya and the baby.

Vijay sat across from Saanvi, watching her sip coffee. It was with great difficulty that she agreed to meet him, for a tete-a-tete.

Vijay started speaking in a calm tone while looking into her eyes "Listen, I am not trying to make you uncomfortable. Just wanted to let you know that I have always liked you. Even when I was abroad, I knew that you were the one I wanted to spend my life with. I am not sure what you feel about me."

As she opened her mouth to reply, he stopped her "You don't have to answer now. I know this is very sudden. Can you think about it please? I am leaving tomorrow for Malaysia, but I will be back after couple of months. You can tell me the answer then."

Saanvi almost sighed as she thought how her life changed over a period of 24 hours. From realising that she had feelings for Vikram to finding out that he was having a baby with someone else, her heart had been through complete roller coaster of emotions.

When they were about to leave, she was shocked to see Vikram sitting in the same café near the entrance, with Aadhya. As he could not see her, she quietly passed him without greeting him. Just as she was opening the door, she overheard Vikram saying "Aadhya, this kid is my responsibility. I promise you that I will provide everything for the baby. I will convince your parents about the wedding. Please trust me."

She took a deep breath, as she waited for Vijay to get his car. So, he was getting married to Aadhya. As she looked at Aadhya, she could not help thinking

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