Chapter 15

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The next few months flew by with ease , after Ariel gave birth to their blue eyed , white haired daughter who they named Melody . They immediately arranged a voyage to introduce the newborn to her family , King Triton and his kingdom .

Kai stood on the deck watching as the merfolk came to the surface ready to meet the young princess . King Triton appeared beside him on the other side of the ship " I never would have expected this to happen ..."

Kai looked at him questionably but King Triton chuckled and wrapped his arm around Kai's shoulders " Thankyou for giving my daughter everything she's wanted ...and needed "

The clip clop of Ariel's shoes echoed as she emerged from the quaters with young Melody in her arms . Kai smiled softly at his small young family , King Triton extended his hand and Meoldy held his finger with a innocent giggle .

King Triton revealed a beautiful locket with Melody's name and opened it for the youngster to see , a beautiful scenery of the mermaid kingdom . He closed it and wrapped the locket around her , when Ariel extended Melody to her father a sudden black tentacles snatched the child and moved to the side .

A figure emerged from the waters to reveal Morgana , Kai's aunt . Kai immediately yelled " Morgana!"

Morgana laughed and looked at her nephew " door poor nephew,  you never visit !"

" Morgana,  return my daughter " he hissed

Morgana laughed " and what will you do if I dont ? You are a failed sea witch , you can do nothing to me !!"

Even though those words hurt Kai's pride , he refused to back down , his daughter was his priority.  " you are certainly one to talk , you will never be stronger that Ursula "

Morgana cleanched her jaw and was ready to harm Melody but King Triton stepped in and rescued Melody from her great aunt , Melody was immediately returned to her mothers arms , with Kai wrapping his arms around them both protectively.  Morgana glared at them " this is not over !"

She immediately retreated but not without another warning , Ariel gave Kai one look , one look that said it all . Kai sighed and nodded in agreement.  Ariel took the necklace off meoldy and returned it to king Triton " its to dangerous to have Melody in the waters , with Morgana threating her . She cannot know about you or the merfolk or anything ..."

King Triton looked visibly hurt but he understood and said his final fareqells to his grand daughter.  When the small family returned to the castle , Kai informed Eric of their situation, Eric being a expecting father himself he understood Kai's concerns and agreed to keep the worlds separated.  Not to long after , a large wall was built between the castle and the sea .

As Melody aged , she grew increasingly curious of the world hidden behind that awful eyesore of a wall . Kai would watch from the balcony as she would dip her toes into the waters that would gently move through the vents of the walls . He knew he had to stop her and divert her curiosity but he couldn't for he understood his daughter all to well . He too missed the sea , and every day he would dip his feet into the sea , he wasnt the only one either as he caught Ariel doing the same thing . But of course neither of then would tell Melody this , as to not feed her curiosity.

Time flew by for the family , Melody had already turned 12 by the next sunrise and she grew increasingly defiantly towards her parents,  especially her mother Ariel . Kai spotted his daughter as she emerged from the waters , he frowned as he walked down the stairs " and what were you up to ?"

Melody jumped with a start " Dad !? N-nothing ! ..just a little dip thats all " , Melody was to frightened to tell her dad that she found a way to open the vents and explore the sea . She didnt want them to close those vents up and trap her completely,  separate her from the ocean once and for all .

But Kai was no idiot,  he knew exactly what she was doing because he was doing the exact same at night when everyone was asleep so that he wouldn't be noticed . He couldn't reveal he knew because what sort of parent would be so delusional in their hypocrisy ?

Melody avoided his eyes as she made her way up the stairs , Kai sighed " your mom is looking for you "

Melody rolled her eyes " oh great " before walking inside . Kai sighed and leaned against the balcony watching the seagulls fly overhead and the small waves on the beach , he hadn't noticed his wife approach him . Ariel found Melody entering the castle and asked her to go get ready for the ball , after Melody left,  Ariel stepped out to find her husband deep in thought . Usually men would have shown some sort of aging especially after all the stressful times with their adolescent daughter but Kai seemed just as young as the day she met him . She felt thankful to have him by her side to support her through her difficulties and struggles , she wanted to do something for him but she couldn't figure out what .

Kai noticed her in the corner of his eyes and smiled st her " Did Melody find you ? "

Ariel nodded " shes upstairs getting ready . Im going up now to help her "

Kai smiled " okay , Ill be joining Eric then . Having our children share a birthday can be stressful " he chuckled . Ariel went upstairs as Kai joined Eric in his study . Kai wore his formal uniform with a sword strapped to his side , as King Eric's personal guard , he is required to be alert at all times .

Eric sighed and rubbed his forehead frustrated,  Kai smiled "  let me guess...Jake.."

Eric groaned hearing his son's name , turns out that Melody wasnt the only trouble maker , Prince Jake was a terror to the entire castle staff . He was only one year younger than Melody but had double the defiance .

Kai rested his hand on Eric's shoulder to comfort him , understanding his troubles . Drusilla entered the study with Jake in towe , Kai bowed to the prince and Jake nodded . Jake was a terror but he still acknowledged his title ,  he looked at his dad " Father , I was told that I'll be dancing with Melody , why must I dance with my dirty blooded cousin ?"

When Ariel and Kai moved into the castle , the whole castle buzzed with gossip and stories. To stop any gossip and rumors , Eric announced that Kai was his half sibling who was also adopted , hence no genetic similarities and no claim to the throne . Kai was titled " count " and would often be seen as a 'dirty blood' by other royals and nobles who would visit,  this would also affect Melody as she is now bullied due to this story .

Kai frowned hearing those words escape Jake , Eric stood and was visibly mad " do not be disrespectful . She is as royal as you are "

Jake rolled his eyes and walked out , Eric looked af Kai apologetically but Kai rubbed his neck " We should get moving before the ball starts without you "

The whole night was chaos  , Melody was bullied by her peers and her 'cousin' , Kai was looked down apon by most of the guests and Ariel was either ignored or flirted with by married nobleman directly infront of a agitated Kai .  Melody ran off to her room as Eric tried his best to calm a very mad Kai whom was ready to beat the living daylights out of said noblemen , Ariel searched for her daughter but by the time she reached Melody's room , Melody was gone .

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