Chapter 4

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They all climbed onto the carriage , Eric was infront handling the reins with Drusilla beside him , Kai sat behind Eric and Ariel sat behind Drusilla having a very sad expression . Eric smiled seemingly bright as he spoke to Drusilla , casually involving Ariel and Kai in some topics however his attention was mostly on Drusilla , trying to learn all he could about the girl he claimed to marry once found .

Kai glanced at Ariel who just seemed like she lost interest in everything else , Kai gently tapped her shoulder to gain her attention,  she glanced at him confused.  He smiled and pointed to the sky " Look at that bird formation,  probably migrating for winter " Ariel looked up and smiled softly , she nodded in agreement . Kai didn't fully understand it himself but he didn't like seeing Ariel sad and was willing to do unnecessary things to make her smile . Eric stopped the carriage in the middle of the town , the people were busy with their daily lives , stopping to greet Eric but otherwise unbothered by their presence. 

Ariel was bewildered by all the new things she saw , she made her way to the puppet stage and pulled a puppet off its hand , the hand searched for the puppet as Ariel looked at the puppet confused . Kai came around and slipped the puppet out her grasp "its  entertainment , like a show or concert "

Ariel nodded understanding what he meant , she then saw a large group of people dancing , a activity she hoped to try . Eric had already led Drusilla there and began dancing with her , Ariel watched with a somber expression.  Kai watched their movements " want to try ?" He asked , Ariel looked at him in surprise.  Kai smirked " well ?"

Ariel smiled and nodded , extending her hand to him as he led her to the dance floor , he incorporated the movements that he saw Eric do . Ariel was fascinated by the movements as she kept looking down at their legs , Kai noticed that Eric was focused  on Drusillawhich wasn't something he expected and what surprised him more was the fact that there wasn't any magic involved.  Perhaps he only cared about the girl he had been searching for , but to fully ignore Ariel was enough to make Kai annoyed .

After the dancing , the four rode in the carriage again , taking long detours to see other places . While Eric and Drusilla flirted back and forth , Kai was constantly trying to cheer Ariel up with other things such as the human inventions that she found fascinating.  Soon the sun was on its path to set , Eric organized two different boats for them . He sat with Drusilla and Kai was in the same boat with Ariel , while the boats were side by side , Eric asked Ariel " we are becoming friends yet I don't know your name ?"

Ariel glanced at Kai surprised and confused , that was when Kai realized that he had made his first mistake that morning , calling Ariel by her name when she hadn't even told anyone yet . Kai sank in his seat awkwardly , Ariel began to wonder how he knew her name . Kai ultimately told Eric what her name was which Eric smiled "that's such a nice name . I'm glad we know now "Drusilla smiled " it's a lovely name " Ariel smiled back to be friendly but it was obvious to Kai that she wasn't happy .

The two boats made their way under the large tree as the sun began to set , Ariel suddenly gasped when she glanced at the other boat and saw Eric lean towards Drusilla for a kiss.  Kai looked at the two " oh?" was all he said . Ariel huffed with a frown before taking the boats' ore and using it to flip Eric's boat which inevitably flipped their own along with it .

The two boats flipped as all four of them were drenched in the water , Eric helped both Drusilla and Ariel to the shore and laughed " that was unexpected "  Kai then emerged from the water following them " no kidding " he ran his fingers through his hair to brush the wet locks out his face . He sighed , he didn't plan on getting wet especially as a human. 

Ariel smiled feeling proud for sabotaging the kiss but guilt soon overcame her , she looked down to avoid Eric's gaze . Kai frowned at Ariel,  they were fortunate that 3/4 of them were sea creatures otherwise it could have ended differently.

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