Should I let go

18 7 0

Into the night we go,

Holding hands and ready to forego

The trials that await our shivering souls.

Together, like always, we fight all the dolls

With our free hands, unwilling to part

For a second of more.

Yet, as the night goes on,

You are struggling to press on,

Shall I wait for you to recover

While you beg me to take cover?

All their lifeless, creaking limbs

Shattering our unsettled grins.

To abandon you or not,

Is the question that I got

To answer while they're closing in,

Trying to drown us in sin.

It's a battle we can't win together.

So, should I leave and let the darkness tether

Me to it?

Would your bravery perish

Once I leave and be left to cherish

The memories we held so dear

While the lifeless dolls leer?

Could we still fight as before?

Like in the mystical lore

Where the good guys always win,

Complete their quest and then do a spin.

Yet, I see your body's failing,

And the little girl inside me is wailing,

Crying out for you to live.

So won't you stand up and believe

That we can still get through this hiccup.

As I will be the one to pick you up.

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