Boot of a man

18 6 2

I stood on a snail today,

Took his brief life away.

Without remorse or guilt gnawing at me,

Wouldn't that mean he was finally free?

He wouldn't see his friends again.

Cannot complain of the brightness of day.

Always, forever, eternally gone,

Shouldn't I question: "What have I done?"

What of his family, children and pets?

Do they have those things or is it a mess?

Today his life came to a sudden end

All because I was unable to bend.

So, in the future when you kill a snail,

Think of everyone you may have failed,

Think of your loved ones, money, your life,

You are forever under the boot of man.

He does not see you or care for your life.

He will not help you climb your way up.

Use your own strength to get to the top,

Remembering those you've squished and things you gave up.

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