TMNT Did Not Prepare Me For This

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Wednesday wasn't looking forward to this conversation. She needed to tell Kali that she found out her real name and who she used to be. What if Kali got upset with her? She said she didn't care about knowing and Wednesday went off and found out anyway. Would Kali consider it an invasion of her privacy? Either way, this wasn't something that Wednesday could just keep to herself. Not completely anyway. Enid was right yesterday. She needed to tell Kali and let her decide whether or not she wished to know who she used to be.

So she took a deep breath and opened the door to Kali and Yoko's dorm. Yoko wasn't there—probably off somewhere with Divina—and Kali was on her bed staring at a piece of paper with the utmost concentration, pencil held awkwardly in her hand as she attempted to write the letters of the alphabet. Her lessons with Eugene were going well all things considered. After two weeks, she could recite the alphabet and remember how to write maybe half of the letters based on memory. It was nice to see her practicing outside of her lessons. There was a certain pride that Wednesday felt while watching.

"Kali." She closed the door behind her and walked toward her.

Kali looked up at her. "Oh, hey, what is it?"

Wednesday stopped a few feet away and clasped her hands together in front of her. "I need to tell you something."


"I ran a DNA test on you blood and found out who you were before the organization kidnapped you." Kali's eyes widened slightly. "I know you said you don't care to know, but I can tell you if you wish. Otherwise I'll keep it to myself."

Kali looked down at her bed in thought. Did she want to know? She never has before, but at the time there wasn't a way for her to know anyway. Now she could know. Wednesday could tell her. But did she want her to? What would she even get out of it anyway? Her parents are dead. She knows that much. Knowing who they were won't change that. Or the fact that she has no memories of them. And knowing her birth name won't change anything either. She'll never remember the little girl tied to it.

She looked back up at Wednesday. "I don't wanna know. I don't need to."

"Well, if you ever change your mind." Kali nodded and looked back down at her paper to continue practicing her letters. Wednesday didn't leave and just watched for a minute. "You're not upset with me?"

Kali continued to try to write an "E" which she had learned how to remember using Enid's name. "No. Why would I be?"

"Because I went behind your back to learn something you explicitly didn't want to know."

"Just because I didn't want to know it, doesn't mean you didn't want to. Besides, is it really going behind my back if you just told me about it?" Wednesday blinked and didn't say anything causing Kali to stop writing and look up at her. "I really don't care if you know, Wednesday. Just don't tell me."

"Very well." Wednesday straightened her back. "Now come along, we're meeting Enid in the library to continue our search for Asclepius."

Kali immediately dropped her pencil and stood. "You should've led with that."

The two headed to the library and thus began the tedious process of their search. Wednesday would hack into the school and find out what men had been expelled for unethical conduct over the last twenty years. She would put it into the shared google spread sheet that Enid had set up under whatever school it was she had been looking at. End would then work her online magic to find a picture of them since they weren't in the school files unless it was the more recent years. Some people were easier to find than others, and Kali looked at each picture and said yay or nay. Every person given a "nay" was crossed out.

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