Is This The Real Life? Is This Just Fantasy?

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Trigger warning for suicide attempt, sort of, I think, it's more like a disregard for death as a possible consequence and then an accident, sort of......


Ever since that night of the full moon, Kali had been pulling away from everyone. And no one understood why. Especially not Enid. She was extremely worried about her girlfriend. If they still were girlfriends that is. She wasn't really sure anymore. Could they really be dating if Kali avoided her like the plague? Though it wasn't just her. It was everyone.

Kali skipped most of her classes, and the ones she did attend she made sure to sit far away from Enid, Eugene, and Wednesday. At meals she sat alone, not eating, and if they tried to join her she left. She wasn't even sleeping in her and Yoko's dorm nor Enid and Wednesday's. In fact, she didn't look like she was sleeping at all. She was constantly just staring into space or covering her ears with her hands like she was trying to block out a noise no one else could hear.

It was two weeks of this.

During that time Enid felt herself becoming a mix of depressed and anxious. She had gotten so used to having Kali around her 24/7 that now she felt so incredibly alone when they weren't together. And she knows that isn't the healthiest type of relationship, but she's a teenage werewolf so who cares. Of course she's clingy. She just wished she knew what to do. Multiple times she's tried to go up to Kali, but Kali ran away from her every time. She doesn't want to pressure Kali into talking to her, but she can't just stay away either. Especially when she sees that Kali still carries Penguin Enid and Panda Enid Junior in the hood of her uniform. She doesn't think Kali's stopped loving her, but clearly something happened. Enid only wished she knew what.

As for Wednesday, she split her time between worrying about Kali and continuing her research. The DNA results on the bones had been worrying to say the least. Most of the DNA on it belonged to an unknown person. There were only trace elements of Kali's DNA. Which could only mean that the foreign cells are extremely close to reaching one hundred percent. She's seen Kali cough up blood from the distance. Wednesday suspected one more showing of her power will seal the deal. She didn't want to know what would happen once that comes to pass.

In the meantime, she tried to figure out who the new DNA belonged to. Who was the original outcast with the bones power? It took some time, but what she found was interesting. It was a girl by the name of Maeve Strauss...who died twenty-one years ago. Seems she lost a battle with cancer according to her medical files. But why would the organization want to rewrite Kali's DNA into Maeve Strauss's? What is it supposed to be accomplishing? Wednesday just didn't know yet.

But it was on Monday, March 4th, that the group realized that maybe they shouldn't have given Kali as much space as they did.

Yoko barged into Enid and Wednesday's dorm. "Guys! It's Kali!"

Both girls were immediately on their feet. "What happened?" They asked in unison.

Yoko was breathing heavily. "She's on the roof...and it kind of looks like she's gonna jump."

Enid took off running, Yoko and Wednesday behind her. They ran out of Ophelia Hall and then Yoko took the lead and led them to the front of the school where a crowd of students had formed, all staring up at something. They followed their gaze, and sure enough, there was Kali standing up on the edge of the roof. Wednesday pushed through the crowd to run inside the school to make her way up, Yoko left to find the others, and Enid took a shortcut. She grew her claws and ran at the wall, jumping up with her enhanced strength and climbed her way to the top in a matter of ten seconds.

She landed on her feet on the roof to the left of Kali who was still just staring straight ahead. Her claws retracted and she slowly approached with her hands up. "Kali?" Kali's head snapped to her and she stepped away, feet accidentally teetering off the edge. "Okay!" Enid stopped walking toward her and took a step back herself. "Just...don't move...okay?" Her eyes were beginning to water but she knew she needed to stay calm right now. "What are you doing, Kali? I thought you wanted to live, remember?"

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