17. Basket ball

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"Congratulations Mr. Jeon." jungkook hears a voice echo as soon as he's out of the locker room back into the stadium. He finds his girlfriend sitting on the bleachers right where she sat during the game.

"Everyone else left what took you so long?" she asks as she gets up and comes down. "I was going to go in if you hadn't come out." she says when she's right in front for her boyfriend.

"If I knew I would have waited in the shower." he says quietly even though there is no one else to hear them. Y/n clears her throat "you could have just freshened up at home."

"I wouldn't want to go to a restaurant covered in sweat." jungkook says, then watch carefully as the girl continues to look confused. "Since I won the game today it gives us a perfect opportunity to check out the new Thai food place that opened last month." jungkook runs his fingers through his post showered curly hair.

"You mean your team won the game today?" y/n corrects as jungkook turns sheepish for a moment and agrees with her. "You weren't much help anyways the senior guy was the star today." she teases. "Min was written behind his jersey, if I remember correctly." she adds

"Well yoongi hyung is indeed good and I forgive you for not acknowledging my effort since you know so little about basketball." jungkook replies cooky.

"I know enough." y/n snaps back mildly offended. "Sure." jungkook says with sarcasm, picking up a ball from a rack on the sidelines. "Prove it?"

Jungkook passes the ball between his legs and behind him, keeping his eyes, that holds a playful glint in them, on her.

He continues dribbling as he waits for y/n to make a move. When she lunged forward to get the ball from Jungkook, he swiftly serves his body away from her. Y/n tries again and this time he effortlessly switches his hands behind his back.

Finally after trying two more times y/n stops looking up at the boy and finds him looking down at her at the same time. The corner of his lips is lifted and y/n can see the dimple on his left cheek. His breath is even unlike hers whose chest is rhythmically, softly rising and falling.

"Tired yet?" jungkook asks quietly, looking down at y/n as if he is looking at a star filled night sky, she takes him by surprise. Y/n makes use of the opportunity and slaps the bsll out of jungkook's grasp and scrambles after it.

Laugh of triumph escapes her throat but it is soon replaced by a squeal of surprise. One arm around her and jungkook is lifting her off the ground.

"Hey, that's not fair!" y/n protests as she is being carried further away from the basket. "You weren't playing fair either." he reminds and his breath tickles down her neck.

"I could have scored." y/n whines, her feet still in air, above the ground. "Could you though?" jungkook asks but not in a challenging way. "I don't think I've taught you to shoot." he muses.

"It looked pretty easy." y/n says with her eyes on the basket. "Right it's not very difficult." jungkook finally puts her back on her feet but doesn't move back.

This close to him, y/n can smell the mild scent of his cologne mixed with a little smell of his sweat; can feel his heartbeat on her back. He molds him against her and rests his hand on the ball and moves her hand in the right position.

His voice sounds raspy as he gives out instructions. His skin feels soothingly warm against her.

"Eyes just above the rim." jungkook says in y/n's ear before she shoots when he let's go of her and the ball goes in.

"That's my girl." jungkook cheers for his girlfriend as he pats her bum and y/n doesn't seem to mind at the moment instead she presses her lips on the small dent on his left cheek. "Now we have another reason to celebrate."

JUNGKOOK IMAGINES Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ