Chapter 9| Possession

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The three of them were now seated in Jaemin's car—the owner driving them to Sara's apartment. Jaemin and Donghyuck eventually came to this solution since none of them agreed to let go off of Sara.

"Stupid Hyuck's stupid head has stupid round bear ears," Sara sang like a child in a out of tune voice. Jaemin let out a soft chuckle at which Donghyuck narrowed his eyes.

"Na Jaemin, tell me," the female muttered, coming closer to the driving seat. "Do you really have any interest in me or is it just some mercy date?"

Jaemin glanced at her for a brief second. She was staring at him with her hazel brown coloured doe eyes. "I really wish I could prove how much interest I have in you, princess but according to your 'Hyuck', I don't have permission to do it since we haven't discussed anything about it beforehand."

Sara frowned, falling back into her seat.

"I think I'm gonna die," the brunette spoke from the backseat. Her arms were resting on the open window, eyes staring at the bright neon signs on the side of the streets and voice came out muffled.

"From what, idiot?" Donghyuck muttered, being in the passenger seat. Jaemin also paid attention to her while driving. "Cold," Sara blinked, stomping her feet afterwards.

"It's too cold!" The female whined, sliding up the window, closing it. Donghyuck took his jacket off and tossed it behind in her lap. "Put it on."

Sara shook her head. "I hate your cologne." Donghyuck rolled his eyes at her response while Jaemin let out a snicker. He pulled out a hoodie from a compartment and handed it to Sara.

"It will keep you warm," he said, smiling at the girl's reflection in the rearview mirror which she returned wrapping herself in Jaemin's hoodie.

After reaching their destination, Donghyuck got off from the car and opened the door of the backseat to pick Sara up in his arms and then carry her on his shoulder.

The female wriggled to get free from his strong grasp. "I will take it from here." As a response to his statement Jaemin just shook his head. "There is no point of me driving you two, then."

The black haired male clenched his jaw. "What the fuck do you think yourself?" Sara let out a giggle. "I never told you about Na Jaemin being a bighead but you got to know by yourself anyway."

"Stop yapping. Your breath stinks." Donghyuck shut Sara up with only one remark, making the female pout. Even though she was facing his back, she still felt embarrassed, being oblivious to his transparent lie.

"Cut it out. She is drunk," Jaemin attempted to point out the reason of her breath reeking of alcohol.

"Come with me," Donghyuck made his way towards Sara's apartment with Jaemin following closely behind him. He took the keys out of the pocket of his pants which did not go unnoticed by Jaemin.

He has keys to Sara's apartment?

The male unlocked the door, smirking only a little, feeling triumphant by irritating Jaemin, showing off the keys to the house of the main character of that evening, Sara.

He knew that he should not have done this. Donghyuck very well knew how much Sara liked Jaemin. He should be feeling happy for her, knowing that she had finally going something on with her crush.

Then why do I feel so fucking annoyed?

After they entered into the apartment, Haechan swiftly went to Sara's bedroom and put her down on the bed before wrapping the blanket around her.

It was now Jaemin's turn to smirk as his eyes landed upon the sketches of him scattered around her bedside table. The male carefully picked a page up in his hand.

It was a sketch of him with a camcorder in his hand, recording randomly in their campus. A pleasant smile replaced the previous smug expression of his face. Without him knowing, he was smiling to himself.

An exasperated sigh left Donghyuck's lips as he saw Jaemin checking out the sketches Sara drew of him. "Let's go, now," he said, snatching the sketches from his hand, "Sara needs to take some rest. She is weak to alcohol."


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How was the two male leads crossover?? How was your day?? No matter what happens, don't skip a meal.

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