Wilby gets stabbed :D

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I wandered through las nervadas aimlessly, cigarette in hand. It was a nice night, we had lots of customers packed into casinos, and the moon was full and welcoming.

I was covering Sam's shift because it was either that, or running one of the poker tables, and I despise drunk rich people, they remind me of schlatt.

I shook myself, bringing my thoughts away from my ex lover, and back to the present. I was on the quieter side of my city now, away from the noise and bustle of the busy gamblers.

There was no one around, which is why, when I heard a very human-like groan of pain, it caught my attention.

I turned to look at the dark alleyway where the noise has come from, flicking out my switchblade, just in case. I walked into the darkness, cursing quietly as I tripped up, wishing for a light.

I took a few more steps before remembering my lighter, which I pulled out from my pocket. The small flame flickered in the damp alley, but as I looked around, I saw a figure slumped against a wall, close to where I had just been standing. A white streak in his hair, trench coat wearing figure.

"Wilbur?" I called, striding over to him. "What the fuck are you doing in an alleyway?" His head jerked up, his glasses glinting in the flame light.

"Oh hey big Q," his voice sounded overly casual, and a little bit too high, like he was trying to hide something. He pulled his coat closer around him.

"Wilbur what the fuck are you doing in my coun- IS THAT FUCKING BLOOD?" I stared down at his yellow sweater, the tiniest patch of blood poking out from under his coat.

" Fuck..." He gasped, yanking his coat over his body, causing him to groan in pain again.
"Wilbur what happened." I hated how caring I sounded, but I found that I really did care, and that I was actually worried about the bleeding man Infront of me. I knelt down, holding the lighter between us, sliding my knife back into my pocket.

"It's fine, I'm fine" he mumbled, but his pale sweaty face said otherwise. I rolled my eyes, grabbing his arm which held his coat around him. He winced, but allowed me to move his coat, revealing a gruesome red stain that felt like a punch to my heart.

"Jesus Christ will, you are not fine" The blood was sticky and smelled slightly rotten, it made me want to gag. "How long have you been hiding this?" He didn't reply, he was biting down hard in his knuckles as I moved him slightly.

"Actually, tell me later, let's get you inside."
He nodded, so I put out the lighter, sliding my arms around him to help him stand, careful not to touch his wound. He stood, but it became immediately apparent that he wouldn't be able to stand for long, let alone walk back to the medical room.

"Fuck, I'm gonna take you to the nearest open building, they should all have medical kits." I sighed, "you're really in bad shape." He just nodded again, his pale faced scrunched up in pain.

"Can you walk?"

He shook his head, pressing a hand to his side, almost doubled up in pain. I sighed. How the fuck did he get this far with that wound? I was gonna have to carry him, but I was grateful that the strip club was just around the corner.

"I'm gonna have to carry you then Wilbur." He opened his eyes momentarily, before nodding. "Brace yourself."

I stood next to him, gently as I could, picking him up into bridal position. He cried out, and hid his face in my shoulder. "Who did this to you?" I asked, just for something to say as I began walking, grateful that he was light as a feather.

                                                        - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I nudged the door open when we finally got to the strip club, grateful that it was one of the emptier ones, because it cost more than the others. Still there's was a descent amount of people there, bathing in pink lights and songs about sex. I walked over to the bar, catching niki's eye, as she was serving people drinks. She saw will in my arms, and quickly cleared off a space fir him, asking people to move so I could lay him on the bar.

I like you... have some quackbur ;)Where stories live. Discover now