Chapter five

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"Honest question," Sirius mumbled out of his mouth full of sausage. He knew how much it bugged Remus, but it also bugged his family. Anything to bug his family.

"Don't talk with your mouth full," Remus demanded, his jaw clenched and eyes focused on Sirius' messy hair.

Sirius scoffed, grunting out, "Okay, Mother."

James stared at the two with a bright smile across his face, practically beaming. "Bicker like a married couple, don't you," he joked.

The two stared at each other, a blank stare among them. The air thickened, and both boys straightened their backs. "I wouldn't say that," Remus announced, tearing his eyes away from Sirius as he looked across the great hall at nothing.

Sirius gave a huff, rolling his eyes, dramatic as ever. "Which Star Wars character would you go on a date with?"

"Princess Leia," Peter declared, looking away from his book, "is a powerful, strong, independent woman." Sirius pointed at Peter, nodding his head in agreement.

"Serious?" Sirius' shouted, slamming his hands onto the table and looking straight at Peter, "Out of all the characters, you chose her?! You could have had Rey, a hot babe with trauma and skill. The best Jedi!"

Marlene gave the boys a look of disgust, making a tsk sound, "Are you joking? You'd choose them," she looked them up and down with a look of pure distaste, "Over Han Solo, the whole star of the show." She fanned her face.

"Next, you're going to be speaking in Shyriiwook and claim Chu Baka is the best one to date," Mary sassed, which caused Marlene to smirk and give a look, saying, 'That's not a half bad idea'. Mary shook her head at her friend and said, "Into furries, now are you?"

Remus tensed on command at the talk of furry animals or animals among humans. He couldn't handle the thought of being one himself, but his friends finding out would be worse than being expelled.

"Now that's an idea," Sirius laughed, emphasizing the word 'that.'

"Who would you go on a date with, Rem?" Mary asked, looking directly at him and guiding everyone's eyes towards him.

Remus stayed silent, blankly staring at everyone else. "None of them," he deadpanned.

"Oh, come on, Moony," Sirius whined, leaning onto James. The others all gave their own words of encouragement, waiting for his reply.

"James has yet to say a single word," Remus announced, folding his arms. "Are you going to make him answer?"

Sirius rolled his eyes, waving his hand up and down toward his best friend. "We'll worry about him next; this is all about you."

Remus huffed fondly, his face softening as he looked at Sirius. His shoulder-length curls covered the edges of his face, and his dark-colored eyes drew him towards him like an endless pit. His small smile, which seemed to be his resting face, was almost as bright as James'. His hands twirled his wand aimlessly as he focused. Remus couldn't help but fall desperately in love with the boy in front of him. He watched as Sirius leaned forward, tilting his head to the right, giving him a look of impatience.

"If I had to go on a date with one of them, I'd choose Anakin, Anakin Skywalker."

Peter groaned, "Way to keep it on the low." He sparkles his hands above his head, "Anakin Skywalker, once a slave, now a Jedi who has the potential to become the most powerful Jedi ever. It sounds like someone I might know," he claimed, tapping his chin with a fake puzzled look.

"Way to be subtle, any of you?" Lily declared with an eye roll. Everyone ignored the two comments, turning to face James, who was eating.

"Which character would you take on a date, Prongs?" Sirius asked, nudging his shoulder.

James was more than happy to answer, "Kylo Ren, I feel like he's just misunderstood; he's also a beautiful, powerful man."

"That's a guy," Sirius stated, his eyebrows furrowed. To him, James was his straight friend.

"The son of Princess Leia and Han Solo," he said, mimicking a chef, putting his fingers all together and kissing them, separating them slightly as he pulled them away. "Perfect genes."

"Rey is related to Kylo," Sirius announced, staring at James. "She's a girl."

"Being quite homophobic, Sirius," Marlene spat out, over Sirius being dense and disrespectful.

"Luke Skywalker would be the perfect gentleman on a date," Lilly smirked with dreamy eyes. "He'd be so sweet and caring, have the whole thing planned out, and make sure I'd be happy the whole time." She smiled with dazed eyes, imagining the date itself.

"Kylo Ren is so dark and gloomy," Mary declared. "He'd 100% be a Slytherin; he fits right in with the crowd." She swayed her fork around.

James' smile dropped for a split second as he stared at the table next to them. He watched Barty and Evan tease each other while they ate their breakfast. Across the table, Regulus sat. His short curls covered his face as he read a book. He looked stunning, even shining. He made everyone around him look like nothing more than a cockroach. James couldn't help but get lost as she stared at Regulus eating a pumpkin pastry and read. He looked so calm and relaxed, almost happy.

Peter stared at James, following his gaze towards the Slytherin table. "I'm getting the feeling this isn't just about Star Wars," he said, emphasizing the word 'just' as he looked confused at the others around him.

"Wormie, sometimes you make things up in that little head of yours," Lily announced, shaking her head in amusement.

Peter clenched his jaw slightly but said nothing, letting the group fall into a comfortable silence as they finished their breakfast.

Right as dishes started to float away, Dumbledoor stood up to his stand, raising his wand to his float and saying, "Quiet!" He roared, the veins popping out of his face. The room quickly silenced, all eyes on the head master: "Place your names in the goblet by the end of the 5th hour, supper, and we will be announcing the 3 tributes to go through the Tri-Wizard tournament!" He hollered, stepping back from the pedestal.

The room quickly roared back to life, with everyone talking about the tournament.

"Did any of the four musketeers enter themselves into the battle to the death?" Marlene questioned sarcastically.

"Matter of fact." Everyone's eyes turned towards Sirius, and the air thickened.

"Sirius." Remus asserted, glaring at him, "You didn't." He claimed.

"I did," he beamed, not getting the hit from everyone else. "I'll be a tribute, I'll prove everyone wrong, I'll make a new name for myself, and I will be the better Black brother," he declared with a joyful smile.

The others all gave him a look of disbelief and pity. Out of anyone in the Marauders, Sirius Black was in desperate need of therapy.

"It's not a competition," James argued. "Regulus isn't the rival; he's just a boy trapped in the same house you were."

"He's an awful human, an exact replica of everything bad with my parents; he is nothing more than an abusive narcissist death eater," Sirius spat out with venom. "Life would have been better if he never existed." He glaring daggers into his brother's head.

"Pad," Remus stated, full of pity, "that's taking it a bit too far, ain't it?"

"No," Sirius spat. "He ruined my life and continues to do so every second he's here," he explained bitterly. Slamming his hands onto the table, he grabbed other students' attention as he frantically left the great hall.

The six looked around at each other, sharing a look of disbelief and confusion. They couldn't bear seeing Sirius struggle. Usually, if he hated a person, it became a group hatred. With Regulus, no one understood what the quite agitated boy did to Sirius to make him wish he was dead.

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