Chapter one

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The first year sorting was always something that Regulus found a waste. No one cared who was put where, and no one truly wanted to sit and watch roughly 150 students be 'housed' without having the luxury to eat. The only reason Regulus went to the great hall instead of his dorm was that he needed to make an appearance and did not want to deal with the drama of being marked as unattended.

Usually, during the great hall, he finds himself watching the ghosts or the ceiling. The enchanted ceiling mimicked the external sky. The gloomy, stormy night sky. However, this year after the summer events, he found himself staring at Sirius and James. As much as he didn't want to admit it, he was desperate for one of them to look back at him. To say, they were sorry that they would save him too. He wanted Sirius to take back what he said to tell him it was another one of their stupid pranks, and he did not abandon him. In a house without a home.

"Glaring at them any harder, and he might just implode," Barty teased with a smirk. Once again, catching Regulus' glare at the back of James' head.

"Quite a big word for a guy like you," Evan responds with a matching smirk.

"Hey!" He hollered, throwing a biscuit across the table, missing Evan, and hitting Regulus.
"If I were you, I'd question my existence and dive off the astronomy tower." Regulus declared monotonically. To most, it would seem as if Regulus hated Barty, but once you knew Regulus, it was as close to a compliment as you would receive.

Smirking, Barty responded, "You think of me? Let alone being me," he put a hand over his forehead dramatically, "I'm honored to have a spot in your mind." Regulus rolled his eyes, went back, and stared at his brother across the hall.

"Careful now, people might get the wrong idea," Dorcas announced, amused, as she waved her fork around.

"I would rather die than go anywhere near him," he remarked, gagging to emphasize his point.
"Now, now darling, saving the gagging for the bedroom," Barty flirted, making Regulus turn different shades of red and pink.

Regulus glared as he watched Evan and Dorcas burst into laughter. "Whore."




"Knob head."



"Well, now you've taken it too far," Regulus sassed, the corner of his mouth lifting. It was times like this that he felt at home: he forgot all about his problems and who he had to be. He was just a boy with his friends messing around.

"Our Slytherin king is nothing of a fairy," Evan joined in.

"Oh! But he is," Dorcas started with mischief in her eyes, "caught 'em franchising with the enemy boy." Regulus huffed with fondness and annoyance, knowing she meant James Sirius' best friend.

"I would not step foot near Potter, I would rather parish."

"Cas never said who the enemy was," Evan informed, "have anything to share?"

"All of you are arses," Regulus stood dramatically, getting ready to leave mi-sorting.

"You can leave quite yet, my lord," Evan said, patting the seat where Regulus was sitting. "After the sorting, they'll be announcing the Tri-wizard tournament." Sitting back down allowed Evan and Barty to start their regular bickering. Arguing about the world quidditch team was better, who played the best over the summer and who was the hottest player.

Regulus, on the other hand, stared down at his soup, swishing the spoon around. He so desperately wants to get back at his brother, and his best friend, 'the brother he never had, ' in Sirius's words.

Regulus Black and the 37th Tri-Wizard tournament Where stories live. Discover now