Chapter four

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Regulus stared at the cards laid out in front of him. He watched Pandora's face change drastically as she scanned the Tarot cards. They laid out six cards in front of Regulus, three on top and three on the bottom. Pandora had been tarot readings with the Slytherin Skittles since she first joined them. Claiming it was good to know what is to come, also that it gave her more practice. Not that she needed more.

Pandora pointed towards the first card, the left top card. "This card represents your past self," she explained. Death. "The card itself is reversed, meaning you're holding on, and afraid of change."

"I'm a Black, I'm afraid of nothing," Regulus defended, his eyebrows furrowed.

Pandora ignored his comment, and continued, "Before you were holding onto what your brother did, how he left you behind. Afraid of what this meant for you, how you would have to step up and take your place." Regulus noticeably became more agitated, his jaw clenched as tight as he held his fists as he glared up at the sky. Regulus knew to hold his tongue towards Pandora. As kind and delicate as she seemed she would not handle being mistreated in the slightest.

"I don't give a damn about my family status or blood traitor of a brother," Regulus snapped out hissed out. Turning his attention back to the cards. The next one was a heart punctured by three swords. It was also reversed.

"This card is to represent who you are at the moment." She held the card up between them. "It shows you are in a state of recovery. Healing yourself and moving on."

"I'm not broken," Regulus grunted out as he lifted his legs, resting his head on them.

"Never said you were, love," Pandora just smiled as Regulus rolled his eyes. She lifted the next card. Two people looking rather in love with each other. "This card represents future potential," She gave a simile watching Regulus' face scrunch up.

"Romance isn't really what I'm looking for or trying for unless I'm being forcefully married to some pureblood woman. I think your cards are lying." He paused, looking her in the eye, "Maybe Tarot cards are just probability."

"Don't underestimate the magic's ability," She playfully glared at him, "This card is upright which means soon you'll find someone that you trust, and like unity lovers, it will bring strength and courage when you need it."

"Seems like a Gryffindor to me," He huffed out a breath, "Practically screaming red and gold."

Pandora stood up to twirl letting the sun kiss her skin with a bright smile on her face. "This is perfect for you," she all but shouted out, "manifesting does work!" Regulus watched her with a small smile on his face, his heart warming at the sight. She sat back down under the tree, reaching into one of her many pockets. "This is a rose quartz, it's the stone for universal love." she beamed as she handed the light pink, heart-shaped rock to him.

Regulus gently took the rock from her hand and placed it in his wand pocket, on the inside of his robe. "Begging for the moon to find someone to take me out of your hair?" he questioned sarcastically.

"I can't have my own love life if I have a lost kitten trailing behind me, now can I?" she remarked back, placing her hands on her hips. "The fourth card is what the universe deems you need to focus on." Lifting the card it looked like a warrior with his steed. "This one is upright, meaning as long as you have courage you can emerge victorious."

"I'm not a Gryffindor," his frown deepened, "but the universe clearly wishes I was," he waved his hands in the air dramatically, "I'm not my brother, but clearly it'd be better if I was." he barked out, mopping to himself.

"Regulus that's not what the cards are saying," her eyes softened. "The cards mean there will be an upcoming event that will seem damn near impossible to complete-" she was quickly cut off by Regulus.

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