Chapter 3

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"Ms. Black," McGonagall called out, staring at the younger black with a pitiful look. Standing tall with her arms folded.

Regulus gently glared up at her, "I'm not a girl," he declared, emphasizing the final word. He didn't understand why she was not calling him the right pronoun, he was always a boy. From birth just not in the right body.

"I understand Mr. Black," she started with a stern look as if questioning his attitude, "but from my understanding, from what Sirius has mentioned, it wasn't your choice," she trailed off.

"You don't know anything about me," He snapped, "Don't act like you do." He walked past her into her classroom, already in a worse mood. Regulus felt a lump form in his throat. Not only did Sirius talk about him, but he told her his secret. He trusted Sirius not to tell anyone at school, he trusted Sirius to let him have this one thing. He just wanted to be seen for who he was, not who he was supposed to be.
Once he sat down, he closed his eyes, holding back the tears. Holding back the betrayal he felt. He didn't understand Sirius sometimes, most of the time. He grew up as a boy, he grew up exactly like Sirius because, in his parent's words, women hold no power and can't continue the family name. This led to him being born as Regulus and told he would take his secret to the grave, and would continue to show honor and hold the reputation as a Black. It never bugged Regulus that he was forced to be a boy, he felt comfortable as a boy and he didn't want to be a girl. At first, he didn't want to be a disappointment but it quickly grew into something much more. He didn't want to be a girl, he didn't want the body he had, and he didn't want to be anything other than Regulus.

"What do we have here," The silvery voice spoke, with such confidence it was nearly suffocating. Almost immediately Regulus recognized the voice, groaning as he slammed his head onto the table.

"Go away," Regulus pleaded, "I don't like you."

"Aren't you just a bundle of sunshine," James sassed, taking a seat right next to him. Regulus could feel the heat radiating off of him. The room filled with the smell close to the forest mixed with fresh cinnamon rolls. The smell wrapped around Regulus, making him feel calm and at peace.

"The name's Black for a reason," Regulus retorted, turning his head sideways towards James.

"As bitter as pumpkin juice," he smirked, looking Regulus in the eyes.

"I hope your juice is poisoned and you burn from the inside out," Regulus started, "I hope you suffer a slow and painful death." He didn't mean it, Regulus may hate James, but he never wanted anyone to be hurt. James didn't need to know that though.

"I'm sure you do, love," James brushed it off, with a small lopsided smile, turning towards McGonagall.

Regulus glared at James, flicking his arm, gaining his attention again, "You aren't allowed to call me that."

Regulus could see a mischievous glint flicker in his eyes, as he chuckled. He didn't respond to regulus, instead engaging in a conversation with McGonagall. Regulus rolled his eyes with a huff. He didn't know if he should be relieved that he was no longer disturbing him or offended he didn't respond to him.

"Mr. Potter, Mr. Black" McGonagall called, looking between the boys, " I would like you two to go into the library, and finish putting all the books where they belong."

"But Minnie," James whined out, slouching in his chair, "The books can put themselves away."

"Shove it, Potter," Regulus barked out, "You got yourself in detention now, take responsibility and follow through." he stood up, dusting himself off, before walking towards the exit, standing tall as ever.

He could hear James sign out, "Dramatic much, must be in the blood," he could imagine James with a small smile and a thumb pointed behind him, towards the exit.

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