Christmas week

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Over the next month Hermione became friends with Harry and Ron and became even better friends with Jason, she even got use to his "colorful" vocabulary. He was an 11 year old boy away from home after all. He was, of course, gonna take advantage of his surroundings and curse like a sailor. Although she did scold him when he used extreme curse words, she was ok with him using words like "shit" and "damn" but words like "F**k" and "B**ch" were off limits. Jason of course knew how to hold his tongue especially around teachers and staff but when he was around peers he let loose, But because of Hermione's dislike of some words he held back, not a lot but he tried.

It was the morning of Harry's first Quidditch and he didn't have an appetite and refused to eat

"You've got to eat some breakfast" Hermione said

"I don't want anything" Harry said

"Take a bit of toast mate, go on" Ron urged him

"I'm not hungry" Harry said

"guys you can't force him to eat, you gotta ease em into it, watch" Jason said as he took Harry's fork and put some food onto it "here comes the choo choo train, chuga chuga chuga chuga choo choo" Jason sang tryna hold back a laugh

Harry glared at Jason as the food touched his mouth

"you don't like the train, would you prefer the airplane?" Jason joked trying to ease Harry's nerves

"Jason" Harry warned him with venom in his voice

"Ok ok, but on a serious note you need to eat something, none of us want to see you fall of your broom" Jason said in a serious tone putting Harry's fork back on his plate "Well actually the Slytherins might so unless you wanna give them a show I suggest you eat"

"Thank you for the very encouraging words Jason" Harry said sarcastically

"Your welcome" Jason said genuinely causing Harry to roll his eyes

A few hours later at the Quidditch field

Jason, Ron, Hermione and the rest of the Gryffindor's were in the stands cheering as the Quidditch team entered the field

"This is the first Quidditch game I've ever watched" Jason said then turned towards Ron "This better be worth all the hype you give it"

"Trust me mate its amazing, you'll love it" Ron says excited

"Now I want a nice fair game from all of you, Mount your brooms please" Madam Hooch said as she was refereeing

The Quidditch players mounted their brooms. Madam Hooch blew her whistle and the Quidditch players took off

"And the Quaffle is taken immediately by Angelina Johnson of Gryffindor- what an excellent chaser that girl is, and rather attractive too-" Lee Jordan gave commentary

"JORDAN!" McGonagall scolded

"Sorry professor" Jordan says

Jason chuckled hoping lee Jordan will keep doing commentary

"And she's really belting along up there, a neat pass to Alicia Spinnet, a good find of Oliver Wood's, last year only a reserve- back to Johnson and- no, the Slytherins have taken the Quaffle, Slytherin Captain Marcus Flint gains the Quaffle and off he goes- Flint flying like an eagle up there- he's going to sc- no, stopped by an excellent move by Gryffindor Keeper wood and the Gryffindors take the Quaffle- that's Chaser Katie bell of Gryffindor there, nice dive around flint, off up the field and- OUCH- that must of hurt, hit in the back of the head by a Bludger- Quaffle taken by the Slytherins- that's Adrian Pucey speeding off toward the goalposts, but he's blocked by a second Bludger- sent his way by Fred or George Weasley, can't tell which- nice play by the Gryffindor Beater, anyway, and Johnson back in possession of the Quaffle, a clear field ahead and off she goes- she's really flying- dodges a speeding Bludger- the goalposts are ahead- come on, now, Angelina- Keeper Bletchley dives- misses- GRYFFINDORS SCORE!" Jordan commentated

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