An official Hogwarts student

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Jason sat on the train of Hogwarts reading a book when a dark-haired boy and red-headed boy opened the door to his compartment "Excuse me do you mind if we sit here everywhere else is full" The dark-haired boy asked

"uh yeah go ahead" he said while putting Ash's cage on the ground. The pair go to sit down 

"Are you by any chance A-" The red-haired boy goes to ask

"Yes I'm American" He says interrupting the red-headed 

"My names Harry potter" The dark-haired boy introduces himself

The red-headed boy looks at him in shock "wow so it's true, do you really have the..." he then points to his forehead 

"the what" harry questions 

"The scar" the ginger whispers

"oh" Harry reveals a scar the shape of a lightning bolt on his forehead 

"wow that's cool, well obviously not the way you got it is cool but its cool none the less. Oh um my names Jason Vorhees, its nice to meet you both" he introduces himself as to not embarrass himself further

Harry chuckles "nice to meet you too"

"and my names Ron Weasley" The ginger introduces himself

A old lady strolls along their compartment with a carts of treats "anything off the trolley dears"

"no thank you" Jason says 

"no thanks I'm all set" Ron says showing a bag of snacks he brought from home and gives a sad smile 

"we'll take the lot" Harry declares while pulling out a hand full of galleons

After Harry and Ron got their treats they sat down and talked "Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans?" Harry says 

"They mean every flavor, there's chocolate and peppermint and there's also spinach, liver and tripe" Ron explains "George swears he got a bogie-flavored one once"

Harry then takes the bean he was chewing on out of his mouth then turns to Jason "you're free to have some too If you want Jason"

"nah I'm good I already ate before I- woah are those candy marbles?" He says looking at a bag of regular looking marbles 

"I suppose" Harry says 

"Can I have em?" Jason asks, Harry then hands him the bag "watch this" Jason takes a marble out the bag and throws it at the wall causing it to bounce everywhere in the compartment. He then catches the marble with his mouth and chews on it "Cherry"

"wow" Harry and ron say 

"Try it harry" Jason hands Harry a marble "just throw it against the wall and try to catch it" Harry throws the marble against the wall and it hits him on the head 

"hahaha!" Ron laughs at him but gets hit in the head as well 

"haha" Jason chuckles at both them then catches the marble "my bad, should've warned you they're a little unpredictable" he then hands harry the marble

Harry grabs the marble and eats it "mhm peach" He then grabs a box labeled chocolate frogs "These aren't real frogs, are they?" He asks

"it's just a spell, besides it's the cards you want. Each pack has got a famous witch or wizard on it, I've got about 500 meself" Ron explains

The frog jumps on the window then jumps out "oh that's rotten luck" Ron says "they've only got one good jump in them to begin with" 

Harry then looks at the card to see Albus Dumbledore "I've got Dumbledore!"

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