First Week

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Jason awoke 2 hours before his classes started (1 hour to get ready, 30 minutes to eat breakfast ,and 30 minutes to find my class, this is a big castle) he thought this while getting out of bed and leaving out food and water for ash (let my first day begin) he thought excited

1 hour later

Jason walks out the bathroom with his robes on and new bandages. He then pets ash while she is eating her food "have a good day doing whatever you do" he tells his cat then grabs his bag and walks to the great hall but as soon as he walks out his dorm he sees Hermione downstairs in the common room reading a book

"Good morning Hermione" Jason says reaching the bottom of the steps

"Oh good morning Jason" she says in a surprised tone while closing her book "I didn't really expect anyone else to be up right now"

"Me neither, I just woke up early so I can have enough time to find my class" Jason says

"Are you about to head to the great hall for breakfast?" she asks

"Yeah, did you wanna come with me?" Jason ask as he's about to walk out the common room

"Sure" she says a little excited while putting her book in her bag

Outside the portrait

Jason and Hermione walk out the portrait and down the stairs in silence for a while then Jason starts a conversation "So Hermione your muggle-born which means you went to a muggle school before this?" Jason ask

"Yes, I heard you're a Half-blood, did you go to a muggle school before this also?" She ask

"yep, my mom is a wizard but works a muggle job. she wanted me to go to a muggle school so I could experience muggle life but as soon as she learned I could do magic she made SURE I studied hard to become a great wizard" Jason says

"What about your dad?" Hermione ask

"What do you mean?" Jason asks confused

"What does your dad do?" Hermione specifies

"Don't know, Don't care" Jason says very uninterested "I haven't seen him since I was at least 4"

"Oh I'm sorry if I brought up bad memories" Hermione says quickly, worried that she upset him

"Don't worry about it, you were just curious" Jason says reassuring her "I honestly thought you were gonna mention my bandages soon enough"

"Is it... ok to talk about" Hermione hesitantly asked

"well if were gonna be friends it's bound to happen, their just chemical burns but their pretty sensitive so I wear bandages over them" Jason explains

"How does the bandages not irritate it" Hermione asked curiously

"I actually use a spell to soften the fabric" Jason says, happy she didn't ask the cause of his scars

They both enter the great hall "you can ask me any questions about it whenever you want" Jason says sitting at the Gryffindor table and grabbing some food

"Are you sure?" Hermione says sitting next to him

"yeah, I love when people ask me questions except when they ask me stupid questions" Jason says

Hermione chuckles "luckily I don't like stupid questions either"

"good" Jason smiles then continues to eat his food

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