Chapter 7: Dined, Danced, Romance

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Krystal's POV:

I tried taking a nap before dinner since it has been a long day but I just tossed and turned. I finally sat up and groaned.

"Why do I feel so nervous, I can't fucking sleep."

Memories of the dancing we had done hours prior came rushing into my head. I felt a chill go up my spine and a feeling of warmth flush through my chest and face. Why was I feeling like this? What is this feeling? It's like a feeling I have never felt before with anyone. At least since the acid attack a year prior. I felt as if I could never trust anyone again. Let alone a man for that matter. Despite that fear being instilled into my brain I felt as if that fear vanished when I was with Konig. I rubbed my hands together and on my waist remembering the feelings and sensations of his hands caressing my body as our bodies came one while we danced. Was this what true love is? No that can't be it. We have only just met. Yet here I was, fear of being hurt again completely vanished from my mind. My mind felt at peace when I thought about him and even more so when I was with him. I was still feeling a little tired and wanted to be fully alert for dancing and dinner tonight but I knew I couldn't sleep alone. Not while these warm loving feelings fogged my mind, body and soul. I went to Konig's room and wiggled the door knob and surprisingly his door was unlocked. I hope he wouldn't mind what I was about to do as I gently crawled into bed next to him and got under the blanket and laid down with my back against his. He was so broad and wide. With how warm his large body is I honestly didn't feel a need for a blanket but I used it anyways so I could be as close to him as possible. I rolled over and faced his back and gently put a arm around him to spoon him. Normally you'd think that the small person is automatically the little spoon but big spoons need to be held sometimes too. I sighed contently and drifted off asleep burying my head into his back.

Konig's POV:

As I had dreams of the 2 of us doing various things from wholesome to unholy I felt the bed shift a bit and then warmth behind me. A hand then slivers between my arm and waist. It was Krystal! I didn't know what to do with this sudden burst of affection but I didn't want her knowing I was awake because I didn't want to startle her or ruin things so I regulated my breathing again to pretend I was still asleep. Only thing is that I was unable to stop smiling. I wanted to hold her hand. She rubbed my side and stomach lovingly almost out of instinct since I could tell she was drifting off to sleep. I tried to relax and act natural but I was just so excited that I remained stiff and unmoving. I knew I wasn't gonna be able to go back to sleep knowing she was beside me and holding me so I carefully reached for my phone on my bed side table and used it to kill some time. My 5pm alarm went off which meant it was time for us to get up and start making dinner. I could tell the sound of my phones alarm startled her out of her sleep the way she jumped up. I laughed to myself as she reached over me and turned off the alarm. She laid back on her back and sighed but then rolled over onto her side. I rolled over onto my side as well to face her. She was so expressive even with a mask always on and I could tell she was giving me the biggest smile.

Krystal: "Well hi there."


I felt so nervous at the fact she was still laying next to me. I reached my hand over and put one on her hip and rubbed her hip bone with my thumb. She looked down at my hand and then looked back up at me. She reached her hand forward and put the palm of her hand on my cheek. I melted into her touch and stared at her longingly and lovingly.

Krystal: "You ready to help me start dinner?"

I nodded and we both stretched and got out of bed. We went to the kitchen and I poured us each a glass of wine to hold us over until dinner was finished. She stirred the pasta every so often and would open the oven every now and again to make sure the chicken wasn't burning.

Can't help falling in love (A Konig love story)Where stories live. Discover now