Chapter 4: Dancing Duo

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Krystal 's POV:

I wake up the next morning feeling surprisingly refreshed as the sun shined through my window and into my eyes. I squinted and shielded my eyes. My stomach growled as I craved coffee and breakfast. I was craving french toast. I liked berries on my french toast so I went to the fridge and saw we didn't have any.


I whispered to myself.

I got a piece of paper and wrote on it;

"Going to the store, be back in a few xoxo"

I left it on the counter where Konig would find it when he finally wakes up. I get dressed and then headed downtown to the shops to pick up the berries for breakfast I had planned for me and Konig.

Konig's POV:

I wake up and groan due to barely sleeping the night before. I go to the kitchen to see if Krystal is there but instead find a note on the counter. I smiled as I read it. I found the "xoxo" at the end adorable. It was very much her. I brewed some coffee for her to come back to and I poured myself a cup and sat at the dining room table and waited for her to get back home. I look up at the door when I heard it open and I saw her coming in with some plastic bags from the store. I took the bags from her and placed them on the counter and I greeted her.

"Good morning, you're up and ready to go. What do you have planned for this morning?"

I gestured over to the plastic bags on the counter. She went over to them and unbagged 1 package with strawberries and 1 with blueberries.

Krystal : "I woke up craving french toast but I like having berries on mine so I went out to buy some. Would you like some?"

My eyes lit up at her invitation since it had been so long since I've had some good french toast. Every time I tried to make it I would always burn it so I was excited to try hers.

"I would absolutely love that; Do you need help with anything?"

Krystal: "Yes actually. You can rinse off all the berries and then start cutting the strawberries okay?"

I did as I was told while she prepped the pan and made the french toast itself.

Once I had finished cutting up the strawberries she had finished cooking the french toast. She put the french toast onto 2 plates and I carefully placed the berries on top. We looked at each other and high fived one another.

Krystal: "Great job partner, lets dig in shall we?"

"I was hoping you'd say that."

I grabbed forks and knives for us while she carried the 2 plates over to the table. Once we were both seated we immediately began to dig in. This was the best french toast I had ever eaten. I noticed she was struggling to eat hers because of her mask and I couldn't help but feel bad

Krystal: "I should look into getting a mask like yours since that seems like it would be easier to eat with. But such is life."

We finished eating our french toast and I enjoyed every last bite of it. The berries on top were perfectly ripe and really pulled together the meal.

Krystal: "You finished?"

I nodded.

Krystal: "Here let me take your plate."

She took our plates and silverware over to the sink to wash them. I looked over as she was washing dishes taking in her presence and the way she moved. I felt my heart flutter every time I was around her.

Krystal: "There's a small radio over there on the side table, do you mind turning it on? Some music would make washing dishes be a little less of a drag."

I turned on the radio for her and the song "Can't help falling in love" by Elvis came on. She stopped what she was doing and looked at me and squealed.

Krystal: "Oh my goodness I love this song! You know back when I was younger I used to take some ballroom dancing classes. I wanna see if I still got it. May I have this dance?"

She giggled and held her hand out for me to take. I held both of her hands as our bodies were close to one another.

Krystal: "Okay so follow my lead. When my left foot goes forward your right one goes back and vice versa. You ready?"

I nodded despite how nervous I was and I followed her lead. We danced across the tiled floor of the kitchen as our bodies glided together. Despite never doing this before it all felt so natural. It was as if there was nobody else in the world but us.

Krystal: "Now try and spin me out and then pull me back in."

I did as I was told and held her close from behind when I had pulled her back in. As I held her I buried my face into her neck and swayed side to side to the beat of the music holding her close. Her smell was intoxicating. She pulled away and faced me again holding my hands.

Krystal: "The song is almost over so we need a good finishing move, do you think you'd be able to dip me?"

I nodded and put my hands around her waist and slowly dipped her. The way she looked up at me as her hair draped down to the floor made me want to kiss her right then and there but I restrained myself as I was unsure if she felt the same way and I didn't want to ruin this beautiful and intimate moment between the 2 of us. I pulled her back up as the song ended and we held hands again. I could tell she was beginning to blush. Her hands felt warm and she looked to the ground and spoke in a quiet soft tone.

Krystal: "Um that was really nice I enjoyed that a lot. We should do it again sometime."

"Y-yeah I agree."

She pulled away and went back to doing the dishes. I stood there and rubbed my hands reminiscing the feeling of her hands in mind. She had finished washing everything and went to her room to get dressed in her work clothes as I did the same. We met in the living room and checked the time.

Krystal: "Let's go to the board in the common area and see if there's any training today."

I followed behind her but I honestly didn't want to do any sort of training today. The time we spent this morning was unforgettable and I wished it hadn't come to an end. But alas I sadly didn't have a choice.

Can't help falling in love (A Konig love story)Where stories live. Discover now