Chapter 6: Smoothie Sweethearts

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As he walked with her, he was taking in the details of her walking style. The way her hips moved as she walked, the way her thighs squeezed together, everything was a new adventure to him and to his lustful mind. He couldn't take his eyes off of her and hoped she didn't notice. He wanted to continue enjoying this moment without making her uncomfortable. As they approached the new smoothie place in town he held the door open for her.

Krystal's  POV:

I smiled as he held the door for me. While we waited in line I decided to strike up a conversation to make the wait less awkward.

"You did a good job back there."

Konig: "Did I?"

"Yeah for sure. I was very impressed."

Konig:"Oh well thank you!"

"However I noticed you seemed to like my takedown a little too much."

I smirked and I could see he was flustered by this.


He was embarrassed when she brought up him liking her takedown. It was true but he hoped she wasn't judging him too hard for it.

Konig: "Yeah... well what's a guy to do when a girl pins him down with her thighs. I think I might be in love."

Krystal's POV:

I ordered myself a strawberry smoothie.

"What are you gonna order? Don't worry about paying, it's on me."

Konig: "Oh really? Th-thank you, um I guess I'll take a blueberry one."

I ordered smoothies for us both and I stood off to the side as I waited for our order to be called. Konig went and got a seat for us both.

Konig's POV:

I watched her as she stood up there waiting for our drinks. I put my chin on my hand and sighed as thoughts of this morning flooded my mind. The way our bodies became 1 as we danced across the kitchen. My thoughts were interrupted when she came towards me with our smoothies. I happily sipped mine. We both slid the straws under our masks so we were able to drink them.

Krystal: "Remember our dancing this morning?"

I paused from drinking my smoothie for a moment because it was as if she had read my mind since I was just thinking about that.

"Um y-yes I do."

I was nervous and had trouble getting that simple sentence out because I didn't want her knowing just how flustered our dancing made me.

Krystal: "Well I was thinking that maybe after this we go pick up something to make for dinner together tonight and after dinner we could perhaps dance again. Would you like that?"


I felt as if I blurted that out rather too quickly and eagerly and I slumped back in my chair and repeated myself but this time more nonchalantly.

"Yeah that would be cool."

She laughed at my sudden change in attitude.

Krystal: "What did you have in mind for what we could make for dinner tonight?"

I thought long and hard over something as simple as dinner because if it was being made with her then it had to be perfect.

"Well what exactly are you craving?"

Krystal: "Honestly I could go for some sort of good pasta, I'm just unsure of what kind sounds the best."

She tapped her straw against her chin and pointed it upwards when her face lit up as she had decided what would be best for dinner tonight.

Krystal: "I know! How about some chicken alfredo? Better yet we could get a bottle of wine to go with it?"

I liked the sound of Italian food paired with a nice bottle of wine. It honestly sounded romantic. I agreed with her idea for dinner tonight and we went back to chatting and drinking our smoothies. Once we had both finished we walked down the street to the grocery store to pick up the ingredients for our chicken alfredo while I went to the liquor store next door to pick out the perfect bottle of wine. I also grabbed 2 wine glasses since we more than likely didn't have any of our own. Just normal glasses and coffee mugs and those just weren't acceptable if I wanted this night to be as romantic as possible. After buying what we needed at the liquor store I waited outside the grocery store for her to come out with the grocery bags. I wanted to impress her and be a gentleman so I took the grocery bags from her and carried them back to base for the 2 of us. It was about mid day so we still had a few hours until it was time for dinner so we went our separate ways until then. I took a shower and decided to take a nap since training was tiring today and she did the same. I went to sleep smiling, excited for what we had planned in a few hours. 

Can't help falling in love (A Konig love story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora