Double edged

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Dr Grant had all her forms signed and ready to go when he walked into the room a few minutes later. Eve smiled, had he known? It would seem so. She didn't mind, after all it was hardly a stretch of the imagination that she would have agreed to go with Tom.

He did, however, offer some more serious counsel. "Remember, it's not all going to be plain sailing and you MUST prepare for the eventuality that everything may not return. Because we don't know exactly why it all went in the first place, there's always the chance that some of it will never come back. I've put a little list of numbers you can call for help – both of you - if you're finding it hard going." He laid a hand on Eve's arm. "You're lucky, in a way. You get a chance to start again if you need to. I know there may be a whole family out there missing you terribly and for that, I am truly sorry, but if not? If it all stays in the past? Not many people get the chance to reinvent themselves." He smiled at them both. "Stay in touch, ok? Let me know how it goes and above all else? Try to enjoy yourselves. I have a feeling that things are never going to be the same for either of you again!"

Tom nodded and slipped an arm around Eve's shoulders. "Whatever happens Doctor, I will be here for Eve. Have no worries on that score." He looked down at her and she blushed, looking at him with a smile that would have split the skies.

Eve, Tom and Jack walked to the front door, the nurses on the ward wishing her well and secretly wishing they were the ones to be swept to safety by the handsome saviour. As the three of them parted, Tom shook his hand and Eve gave him a highly unprofessional but warmly meant kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks Doctor Grant, thanks for everything. "

"Jack – you're not my patient anymore so Jack is much better don't you think?" he smiled and she nodded.

"Thanks Jack. Hopefully one day I will see you again and be able to introduce myself properly, surname and all."

Jack laughed and was about to say something when his phone rang. He shrugged "Duty calls, no rest for the wicked!" and with that, he disappeared back inside.

Tom took the bag of what little possessions Eve now had and they walked to the car. Suddenly feeling incredibly shy and overwhelmed, she stuck her hands in her pockets to avoid the awkward "should we hold hands" scenario. Tom immediately sensed something was up.

"What's up Princess?" he asked softly, not wanting to make it into a confrontation. "You seem a little tense suddenly, are you worried about something?" he opened the car door and put her bag in the back. Turning round, he could see she was upset, tears threatening. "Darling! Whatever is the matter? Come here little one." He pulled her into a warm hug as she broke down in tears.

"I – I – don't really know. I suddenly feel like, well, vulnerable and afraid and that I am a burden and an embarrassment to you and ...." It all melded into an incomprehensible muddle of tears and words. She sobbed, more because she didn't really know why she was crying than actually needing to cry.

"Oh sweetheart, shhh it's ok. It's all just too much isn't it? While you were in hospital you were safe and secure in your little bubble. Now the big bad outside world is back, and you're scared. Well, it's ok to be scared. It's ok to cry and it's ok to let me take all the strain. All you need to do is get well. I will take care of you and everything else." He held her tightly and kissed the top of her head.

"What if I don't get well? What if..." she started to say but he tipped her chin up to look at him with a gentle hand.

"Darling, you are going to get well. That may not be as the person you were. It may, as we said before, be as someone you choose to be. One thing I know for sure." He paused and kissed her forehead softly "Whoever you are, whatever you decide, I will be right there. Now, let's go home. I think what you need is a cup of tea and a chocolate Hobnob. There is NOTHING on the planet that isn't made better by a good cuppa and a biscuit." He laughed and through her tears so did she.

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