Ot7-The Housemate (Pt. 1)

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Y/n pov

I walk inside the house just to see usual view. I sighed. When will they changed?

There are so many trashes in the house, especially in the living room.

"I know. We are busy lately, but still! CAN YOU GUYS PLEASE KEEP ON OUR HOUSE IN CLEAN?!"

I can heard some footsteps running at upstairs. They are running away from me right now. Can hear a slam of the door too. Yeah. Just what I said before. They are running away from me.

This guys never changed!

You guys must wonder who are I talking about right now.

Yes! It is my housemate that call as ENHYPEN.


My name is Shin Y/n. Used to live with my parents. But, since I need to go college that is so far from where my parents live, I have to live in this house where there are 7 boys living in here too. We never talk with each other since I am the only girl and I don't really like talking with them so much.

But, everytime I come back home from college, I just being welcomed by this usual view and it's really irritate me making me the one who clean up the mess.

Everyweek, everyday and everytime. I will be the one who always clean up the mess. Meanwhile the boys, hiding inside their room. Such lazy dudes.

Eomma, I wanna move!


Time skip


I said happily after seeing the house now clean like usual as I come in here. Now, I can feel a clean air than before. So happy to see the house clean back.

Now, it's time for me to make a dinner. Although I get mad with the dudes inside this house, I'm still going to cook the dinner for them. But, like I said before, we never talk, means we never eat together too. They are eating together, but except me. I don't like to eat with them too, because feels uncomfortable.

I was cooking dinner when suddenly I heard someone walk inside the kitchen. I know who it is.

"please wait 20 minutes before the dinner done cooking."

I said without looking that person. A few minutes later, I feel he stands right behind me.

"Are you not mad, noona?"

Nishimura Riki, the youngest in this house. 1 year younger than me.

"Why should I?"

"Cuz we made a mess."

"I would like to angry at you guys. But, it just wasting my time."

I said. Also, didn't look at the person too since I'm busy cooking the food.

"Why did you so kind, noona? I wish that you could be my girlfriend."

I don't really heard the last sentence of his since he lower his voice at the time.
I just ignore it.

"We are housemate. So, why do I need to be mean to my own housemate right?"

He being silent after I said that.

Then, we being silent for a long time. I am busy with the cooking meanwhile him, I can still feel he is watching me cooking from behind. Well, who cares about that as long I can eat dinner.


Author pov

You did eat your food inside room like usual. You feels bad for yourself because can't interact with your own housemate.

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