Park Jeongseong - How Can I Move On From Him?

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Y/n pov


I turn around as someone called me from behind. I turn around and see my bestfriend, Ahn Yuri running towards me.


We make a bestfriend handshake as she stand infront of me.

"Are you going to see him again?"

She asked as she put his arm around my shoulders. I smile widely.

"Why not?"

I replied and smile so brightly as I see someone familiar that was with his bestfriends right now.

"Tsk! When are you going to confess to him?"

She ask making me look at her with wide eyes.

"No way!"

I said making she look at me with disgusted face. But, then, her expressions changes as she saw something.

"He's coming!"

She said as she fix my hair quickly. I open my eyes widely before she turn me to where someone is coming right now. Yes. It is Park Jeongseong, my first love in middle school till now, in the high school. I control myself to not fangirl infront of him.

"Hey, Y/n."

He greet me with his wide smile. I smile back.


I greet him back. Then, his eyes land at my bestfriend.

"Hey, Yuri."

His eyes... Softed after seeing her. Also his voice, changed. Not like how he greet me just now. I look at Yuri. She smile... More like... A girlie smile?

"Hey, Jay."

She greet him back. I look at Jay back. He was smiling while looking at Yuri. Yuri also did the same thing. I notice it for a long time.


"Jay, I like you."

"Sorry, I like your bestfriend, Yuri."

What's Jay said making me embarrassed out of myself after confessing at him at the rooftop for the last day of our highschool day. And it's sound, not wonderful.

My heartbroken for almost one year just because after know that he actullay falling in love with my bestfriend, Yuri.

Also Yuri...

"You are not the best for him."

The most trusted people of my life become a traitor after she got my long time crush. I never thought she will did this to me. And now, I have a trusted issue.

It's already 2 years ago, and now I'm completely...


Not really completely move on from him.

"Yes, Mr. Park!"

He become my boss after all. Aish! I don't know how can but yes...

"Please help me, meet the client at the restaurant at 5 p.m after this."

He said. I look at him, since... I am his assistant. I sighed.

"Yeah sure, Mr. Park."

He smile before continue doing his work. I sighed again. How can I move on from him if he as my boss here? The most popular young CEO in the most popular cooporation, Park's Sdn. Bhd.


"Are you already move on-"

"Eyyy, stop asking about that things again!"

imagine and oneshot // ENHYPEN Edition✨Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora