Chapter Eight: They're Already Here

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Hannah woke to the feeling of something on her face. The feeling was warm and fluffy, and though she knew it was morning, it still seemed dark outside. She groaned and rolled over, wanting to sleep for just a few more minutes. She soon felt something licking her face, and finally opened her eyes to the sight of Wheatie. The rabbit, excited that he finally got his owner awake, ran a few celebratory laps around the room, jumping on and off her bed with each pass. Hannah laughed at the sight, and reached out to pet him.

"Good morning, bun."

After getting dressed, she reached over to her bedside table for her earbuds. She found them, picked them up, and looked at them, or more accurately, at the chewed up center, then sighed, tossed them in the trash, and turned to face Wheatie. The rabbit stared back at her with his big eyes, and she knew she just couldn't stay mad at him.

Kind of on me for not putting them somewhere he couldn't get to them. Ah well, been meaning to get new ones, anyway...

She reached out, lightly scratched the top of his head, and headed toward the dinette to have breakfast with her parents. Olivia and Andy were already situated at the table, getting ready to have their breakfast of eggs over easy, bacon, and berries. Hannah sat down at her usual place, and ate slowly. Her parents glanced at each other, then back at her.

"You were out really late last night, Han." her father said.

Hannah sighed. Somehow, she suspected they wouldn't let that slide.

"I know, I was supposed to be back by midnight. I'm sorry. But, I had a good reason-"

"We know, honey." Olivia interjected, "We heard about May on the news this morning. There are still search parties going around the clock."

"It was very kind of you to help Zach search for his sister, but given what's been happening recently, it was also very dangerous." while ultimately deciding that Hannah had not been irresponsible, Andy felt that she still didn't fully understand the danger. He had seen more and more law enforcement walking around, and not just the police. Now the Air Force had gotten involved. "You're not grounded, but we'd feel a lot more comfortable if you and your friends were accompanied by an adult. At least during the evening hours."

That last remark had been in response to Hannah's groan of protest. She knew her parents were only looking out for her, but still, she hated that she was being treated, in her mind, like a little kid. Regardless, she felt that it was best not to object. "Alright, Dad."

Olivia and Andy looked relieved. "Thanks, sweetie." Olivia got up from the table, and hugged her daughter.

Jessica Davis, Clay Jensen, Hannah Baker, Alex Standall, Zach Dempsey

Near Monet's

The five friends walked through the town that they grew up in, and knew so well. However, today, their usual carefree attitude was absent. They walked slowly, robotically, going through the motions, all of them still worried about May. Jess had suggested that they take a moment to stop at Monet's, get a coffee, and recharge before continuing. Truthfully, Clay was grateful for the suggestion, if only to get Zach to stop worrying for a few minutes.

"Please tell me you guys heard that Geiger counter as we were leaving..."

Clay sighed and nodded. "Yeah, I heard it, but that doesn't necessarily mean that-"

"That what?" Zach had turned around to face him, the wild panic that had been in his eyes the night before once again on full display, "That my sister might be lying dead down that hole irradiated into God knows what, by God knows who??"

"Zach!" Jessica brought him out of his panic. "Look, we're worried about May, but we can't help her by conjuring these worst case scenarios! The best we can do right now, is get something to eat, and think of our next move that hopefully doesn't involve us getting grounded by our parents, or worse, falling down that damn sinkhole! May needs us right now at our best, you especially! Okay?"

Zach nodded after a few moments of stunned silence. "Okay."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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